New Bikini by Paul Taylor on June 18, 2018 at 10:05 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, Daylla, HiroshiLocation: Poseidon Resort paranormal pool Related Comics ¬ Have At That From The Archive Friggen Gone Sure Is Hot Hide In A Hole
Well, technically, it’s an illusion…but I’ve come to think some serious self-image is built into the illusion, too.
Lookit all that relaxing going on
He’s perfect for you, kid!
You couldn’t crush him as a butterfly!
Well at least her “hair” hasn’t turned to roses…yet
Wonder if that was an idle threat or will ‘Stela really deal with Day later.
Cage of Thorns.
mild plasma scorch to the tail end…
Daylla’s relentless.
Metal girl’s goads, quite endless.
Will she live, dentless?
Too hot (hot damn)
Call the po-lice and the fire-man…
Daylla preaches.
Hiroshi beseeches.
And Castela reaches?
Somehow, I am imagining Castela’s voice all of a sudden getting more high-pitched in the last panel…
The next time Pickke blinks, her eyelashes are going to tangle inextricably, and he’ll have to lead her around.
Oh Yeah, She’s “relaxed.”
Everyone’s like “dun hurt her Pickle!” Daylla hit Cas with a mean Palm strike for chokin her in the school
A new swimsuit-one OR two piece- can REALLY turn heads. Castle needs to quit being such a Tomboy and let her blossoming Female charm show through.
That’s the whole problem, her blossoming Female charms are damn near falling out!
She can catch a fish ( Hitroshi ) without showing bait ( blossoming female charms) besides we call em’ mammal bumps here. thank you very much.