Kudos to Paul for being able too render any KIND of expression, let alone something that complex. Not sure “Puppy Eyes” is quite right either.
It’s more like an incredulous ” Shirley, you CAN”T be serious.”
And not just expression with the face.
That stance practically screams “I’m available” and “no I’m not” at the same time.
This girl is going to have one heckuva love life.
The term ‘spooning’ is still very much in active use. My 14-year old niece just used it non-ironically and in context this weekend, and I see it used with regularity in media (social and otherwise) targeted at audiences at least 20 years younger than me.
And that would be yet another branch of denial.
Biologically speaking, Cas may be literally bisexual and hopefully will eventually work this out to our advantage.
I think we may be learning more about Castela’s genetic heritage. We know she’s got a lot of Blackthorn in her background, but I think she may also have some daylily (the “Startle” hybrid) and some Mimosa pudica (the “sensitive plant”.. its species name means “bashful”).
Breakdown into plant form in 3…2…1…
I like how Castela’s tie flies up. Even her tie is embarrassed.
She must be a distant relative of Dilbert.
Please note that ponytail also flies up in the other direction…
Yeah, but the hair is alive, part of plant Castela. The tie isn’t. Is it?
Geo-tropic Response
I wonder if her Ponytail and/or Tie are Photo-tropic as well?
Suspiciously specific denial in progress…
The look on Scarlett’s face in the third panel

“Right. Pull the other one, kid. It’s got bells on it.”
The Mom Stare of Truth.
I wonder how many times Scarlet has been on the receiving end to have it down that well?
She’s female, ‘Nuff Said
Her expression is so deadpan that I expect John Cleese to march up and go into a rant on how his new cookery has joined the choir eternal.
Yup. That’s STRAIGHT up, “Uh-HUH.”
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
Honestly I’m not sure that phrase is even strong enough to describe what’s happening here. lol
Yeah! that’s not Cognitive Dissonance. It’s full blown Dislocation! Apparently that is now a Thing [like Partially Prehensile Puppy Eyes.]
Today’s strip was great, but it was your “Partially Prehensile Puppy Eyes” that made me laugh out loud. Fits her to a T!
Now! Does THAT qualify as a “NON-Denial Denial?” OR … would that be a “Spork?”
Not a spoon, or a spork, she just really wants a….fork.
Yep, she’s definitely a river in Egypt.
How is it possible to do puppy eyes with her Photoreceptors?
Kudos to Paul for being able too render any KIND of expression, let alone something that complex. Not sure “Puppy Eyes” is quite right either.
It’s more like an incredulous ” Shirley, you CAN”T be serious.”
More like, “Why do I suddenly feel naked?”
And not just expression with the face.
That stance practically screams “I’m available” and “no I’m not” at the same time.
This girl is going to have one heckuva love life.
Yes, she is, and don’t call her Shirley.
About time for a spontaneous rose.
Would be better if it was a lily
I’m kinda impressed a kid Castela’s age knows what spooning is.
Why woodn’t she?
Really, really, really old slang.
And you Sir Robert win the wooden spoon! Nice job Leak.
It’s the logical name for that position.
AFAIK it’s been used for generations . . . because prospective replacements always lack durability.
The last I knew, it was current usage.
The term ‘spooning’ is still very much in active use. My 14-year old niece just used it non-ironically and in context this weekend, and I see it used with regularity in media (social and otherwise) targeted at audiences at least 20 years younger than me.
Then it must have been revived. ‘Cause when I was that age, back in the 1970s, it certainly wasn’t current.
It must depend on where you were, because it was current in the 1970s where I was.
“Caste-Hulk no like Shawna THAT way!”
And that would be yet another branch of denial.
Biologically speaking, Cas may be literally bisexual and hopefully will eventually work this out to our advantage.
I wonder what color Castela blushes. Red? Or bright green?
bright green,,, she is called ‘ pickle ‘ for a reason…
I think we may be learning more about Castela’s genetic heritage. We know she’s got a lot of Blackthorn in her background, but I think she may also have some daylily (the “Startle” hybrid) and some Mimosa pudica (the “sensitive plant”.. its species name means “bashful”).
Scarlet is working really hard at earning her second tail.
At this rate she will get it long before she makes 100.
Denial, the strongest power of all.
And this friends is how to out yourself while trying to deny everything….
I wonder how Pickle would react to a certain song from Ferris Bueller.
Scarlet’s face in panel three… She’s thinking in Gru’s voice, “NAILED IT!”
Stela is blushing so hard, the inside of her eye-sockets are glowing
*Begins purchasing Hiroshi’s bus ticket.
Astoundingly effective word association there.
* Lowers the gangplank for THAT SHIP *
Say it, don’t fillet it… you DEARLY love her and you know it, Castle!