See, what you don’t see is that her legs are now wrapped around him about the height of his forearms. He’s run away once, and she’s not taking chances.
Close, but I think that, yes, they are wrapped around him at that height, but it’s his hands that are holding her up and in place by giving her a seat (boy has big hands).
Been trying to decide if that middle panel is some artistic representation of how he feels emotionally incomplete saying these vulnerable words… or if Paul just forgot to ink the damned thing.
I don’t know if that’s a yes. Maybe he should check again. XP The look on her face though when she finally figures out that she was set up should be fun.
I hope that’s a yes.
Pretty sure…
That’s not a “yes”. That’s a “OH GOD YES, YES”.
The kids are calling it “enthusiastic consent” these days!
“Go out with you”, “have all your babies” to-meh-to, to-mah-to.
That was a proper Canadian spelling of the phonetic “toe-may-toe”. I approve!
That’s a big yes
And then, the teacher yells “Break it up, you two!”
This ship has not only sailed, it has reached orbital escape velocity . . .
Ok Hiroshi – some advice. When you ask a girl out and she grabs your head and kisses you, ***put your arms around her***.
Give him a moment, an airhead by his own admission. Still gotta process it.
See, what you don’t see is that her legs are now wrapped around him about the height of his forearms. He’s run away once, and she’s not taking chances.
😅 … 🤣
Close, but I think that, yes, they are wrapped around him at that height, but it’s his hands that are holding her up and in place by giving her a seat (boy has big hands).
That is one of the fastest ‘yes’s’ that ai have ever seen
Well, I’ve got a little concern, as his answer does seem a little sketchy.
AnotherFairportFan would let out a stern hiss. Curly Howard would probably say “Ngung!!”
Me… I might wonder if he’s shading the truth.
Never has the staterment “I know how people see me” been less/more appropriate.
She probably needs to have prescription updated. Glamour wearing off, and she can’t see how pretty he is. 🙂
Been trying to decide if that middle panel is some artistic representation of how he feels emotionally incomplete saying these vulnerable words… or if Paul just forgot to ink the damned thing.
*happy squeeling!*
How about that . . . actual communication!
. . .
Is that allowed?
Their current communication isn’t aloud. It’s entirely nonverbal.
Verbal is kinda hard to pull off with someone stuffed in your mouth.
Could this be the next Edda & Amos? Yay Mindy, you go Sweetie.
Can I get a collective “Hell Yeah!” from everyone here?
I want people to be happy. This makes me happy.
Now take off your glasses and show him the prize he’s won.
She doesn’t want to kill him yet.
Best thing to do is wait til the new wears off and _then_ wallop him.
Called it! 😁
I don’t know if that’s a yes. Maybe he should check again. XP The look on her face though when she finally figures out that she was set up should be fun.
Set up? or gently pushed in the direction she wanted to go in anyway, but was too afraid to take the first step?
See? Talking can be good
“Now they’re communicating” achievement unlocked
the degree to which this makes me happy is incalculable
Maybe we should give them some privacy.
It’s obvious that Mindy has stopped binding her breasts!
🤔 I forgot when the approximate time was that that first became apparent 🤨