Outside of television ads my first real exposure to the toy line was through this April fools joke almost a decade ago ( http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060401a ). Although funny enough, the concept of a MLP RPG for the d20 System (a.k.a Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition) was actually greeted with a fairly positive reception on the Wizard of the Coast forums. Long before the current oddity that “Friendship is Magic” has become. Sadly no one actually bothered run with gag and create a (fan) production for a “transitional” RPG aimed at girls age 3 to 7. Digressing to even more meta, that would have been the hypothetical age range of the current cast at that time.
Of course even that wouldn’t be the kind of “role playing” Nadette seemed to have in mind.
A small thing really, but they’re just called “phones”. The only time you need to quantify a phone is if it’s different from normal. Like “flip phone” or “land line phone”.
The question is, what can she show Atsali that will bring her up to speed before the end of the evening? After thinking it over, it seems to me that if she’s sat down for only one episode it might as well be The Best Night Ever (S1E26); that showcases all of the Mane Six in 22 minutes. If they’re in a hurry, just give her the At The Gala song which does a pretty good job of that in only three minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu3zt5T7gYM
MLP:FiM is an abomination, old school 80’s “My Little Pony” is were it’s at (back when they actually looked more ‘pony-like’… for a bunch of talking flying pink and blue ponies o_O)
Oh lord, they’re THOSE fans. XD
Ah Megatokyo…I remember when that comic updated.
Man I haven’t read MT in over ten years. O_o
At least they’re y’know… the demographic it was created for.
“Rainbow Cat Girl” is what set them off.
That would certainly set ME off.
I’m no brony, but even I know who and what Rainbow Dash is (partly because of screwattack’s Rainbow Dash vs Starscream Death Battle)
Outside of television ads my first real exposure to the toy line was through this April fools joke almost a decade ago ( http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060401a ). Although funny enough, the concept of a MLP RPG for the d20 System (a.k.a Dungeons and Dragons 3rd edition) was actually greeted with a fairly positive reception on the Wizard of the Coast forums. Long before the current oddity that “Friendship is Magic” has become. Sadly no one actually bothered run with gag and create a (fan) production for a “transitional” RPG aimed at girls age 3 to 7. Digressing to even more meta, that would have been the hypothetical age range of the current cast at that time.
Of course even that wouldn’t be the kind of “role playing” Nadette seemed to have in mind.
There _does_ exist a fan version of MLP, though not or DnD but for Savage Worlds. Check http://giftkrieg23.deviantart.com/ for the curreant edition
Does rule #34 count?
(And now I better skedaddle. Where do you even keep that tar?)
You just had to go there…
Okay, Pail, now you’re just being mean to Nadette.
oh hell…
Hurray for fangirls?
It just occurred to me that of course the socially unaware Atsali wold love a show that teaches you how to act around friends!
Start with “Lesson Zero”!!!!!
I’m actually curious as to what Princess Calista’s dressed up as…
A small thing really, but they’re just called “phones”. The only time you need to quantify a phone is if it’s different from normal. Like “flip phone” or “land line phone”.
Actually, no, there are still plenty of not-smartphones around
The question is, what can she show Atsali that will bring her up to speed before the end of the evening? After thinking it over, it seems to me that if she’s sat down for only one episode it might as well be The Best Night Ever (S1E26); that showcases all of the Mane Six in 22 minutes. If they’re in a hurry, just give her the At The Gala song which does a pretty good job of that in only three minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu3zt5T7gYM
I meant Nadette not Atsali, of course. Alas, comments can’t be edited.
Here it is, 5 years later, and by clicking that link I’ve had more Pony than I’ve ever had in my life
I’d say, that was plenty, thank you.
Oh poor Nadette, getting schooled in MLP, i feel for u :S
MLP:FiM is an abomination, old school 80’s “My Little Pony” is were it’s at (back when they actually looked more ‘pony-like’… for a bunch of talking flying pink and blue ponies o_O)
Okay, panel two isn’t about the teenies get weirded out by Sali and Dette making out, but the fact Dette hasn’t been contaminated by the bronyherd
“We are the herd. You will be assimilated. Resistance is furry.”
Vengeance by way of Fan-kiddies.
Well, it would’ve been vengeance if Astali took it the wrong way.