And then she goes full siren on the offender. I have seen that in action. I just get a soda and poor and wait.for the circus to commence. Hell, I have even been ringmaster on one occasion.
Well, Castela; its partially by the drive of Male hormones, yet also how boys/men have been programmed by society of who they are and how they’re expected to act. Snip/Snails/Puppy-dog tails and all that crap…
And it’s the case of girls maturing faster than boys again…
Just bear with it Castella. Tim’s going to start noticing you within a year or so, and then he’ll either develop a bad case of the mumbles whenever he notices you’re around, or he’ll become the most annoying tease you can imagine. And the most frustrating part is that he’ll still be just as cute. The good news it that both these conditions are curable, you just have to keep from killing him first…
This is gonna be fun. Older sister teasing the younger until some unfortunate soul does the younger wrong…
Don’t forget that Kathrine will be in line right there with her… (for both the teasing and the destruction, of course.)
A boy dating Castela should look to the skies every so often…
Ever see the movie Q?
And Astali is a predator para. Break Castela’s little heart in a dickish enough way, some kid’s getting EATEN.
And then she goes full siren on the offender. I have seen that in action. I just get a soda and poor and wait.for the circus to commence. Hell, I have even been ringmaster on one occasion.
Darn poor = popcorn. Dammed phone keyboards.
Atsali has been taking parenting lessons from Katherine.
Naa, this is standard issue Older-to-Younger sibling teasing. nothing unusual
Well, Castela; its partially by the drive of Male hormones, yet also how boys/men have been programmed by society of who they are and how they’re expected to act. Snip/Snails/Puppy-dog tails and all that crap…
I think this is more a case of female hormones.
Its going to be really funny for nearly all but Castela ouo
Just what icky think did the boys get you to do, Castela?
By tricking her into listening to what they have to say, and by suddenly becoming cute
And it’s the case of girls maturing faster than boys again…
Just bear with it Castella. Tim’s going to start noticing you within a year or so, and then he’ll either develop a bad case of the mumbles whenever he notices you’re around, or he’ll become the most annoying tease you can imagine. And the most frustrating part is that he’ll still be just as cute. The good news it that both these conditions are curable, you just have to keep from killing him first…
ITYM “survivable”, not “curable”
Aw damn, Pickle is so adorable !
Good on Sali for asking Stela to put it into context (unless… that was just a ploy to allow her to tease her)
This is a case of younger siblings should be careful about teasing their older siblings, because it does come back around.