I think BYU tries not to be that much fun? I dunno, I didn’t make it in. Just as well.
I went to a local community college and an art institute. I think we were all too broke to do this.
Or I was just too insanely busy/tired to notice any of this.
Yeah, “the no-fun-allowed ‘university'” is pretty much the unofficial nickname of BYU, AFAIK, and I know that despite being neither USian nor Mormon ^^” (though I have to admit that keeping an eye on fundies and on ‘Murikan politics is a big hobby of mine)
Thanks Guru. Context is appreciated.
I am curious as to why Atsali thought she needed the job given the other info just introduced.
To me it seems like she’s just making sure her roomie is not alone. At least she’s having fun with it.
I have a feeling that Atsali and Skylar are mainly doing this because it’s a fun thing to do. Relatively safe, make good money, spend some time partying with the locals.
We know that ‘Sali doesn’t need money but Skylar is probably less well off.
Check out http://www.marycagle.com for another cartoonist’s opinions of life in Japan. Especially the bar life (toward the end of the run.) Mary Cagle taught English in Japan for several years and documented the experience in this comic. (Check out her other comics, too!)
Literally a “chip bench” or “shaving bench”. In English it’s called a “shaving horse”. In either language, it’s a tool used by woodworkers of various sorts. It clamps a piece of wood in place so you can shave and shape it with a drawknife.
Ist das nicht ein Otto von Schnitzelpußkrankengescheitmeier?
Ja das ist ein Otto von Schnitzelpußkrankengescheitmeier?
Ist das nicht ein terribly long name to have to try and say?
Ja das ist ein terribly long name to have to try and say?
O du schöner
O du schöner
O du schöner
It’s a para themed bar. Imagine not having to hide your true form and the local populous thinks it’s a supernatural costume. Sort of like having a vampire work at a Halloween store. Hiding in plain site. It’s brilliant actually. Having people blind themselves to the truth because of preconceived notions.
I wonder if one of the non paras figures it out that the Backfire Effect would invalidate the truth for him/her.
OK – I’m curious. I speak German (fluently, as in, every day) and have NO idea what a Schnitzelbank is. Schnitzel is meat (usually pork) breaded and fried in a frying pan. A bank is a bank (as in $$) or a bench. Or is the point that it means nothing?
Definitely a German-American thing, seems to have died out in Germany (I asked around a bit). I’ve noticed that happens a lot – the traditions that our immigrant forefathers clung to and taught us faithfully have long since been dropped by the people in the countries they originated from. But who cares? FUN!
Astali probably gets great tips too. Mythbusers did an experiment to see if bust size affected tips and had their girl working a small shop like a sandwich shop two different days. One “stock” the next with a bit of help. She got better tips for the same job when bustified. From women as well as men.
Yeah sure that’s the US, but are things that different in Japan?
There is a restaurant in Hawaii and Japan called Anna Miller’s where the uniform is um, designed to show off one’s bust.
It’s not a “breasturant” like Hooter’s or Twin Peaks but from what I’ve heard the attitudes are just as bad, it just has slightly more modest dress, as one would expect in Japan.
Gee, I hope Atsali calms Nadette’s worries, with a nice, big stein of their best beer on a surprise visit.
Oh. My. God.
College life comes SLAMMIN’ home.
College was NOTHING like this for me…
We didn’t have actual succubi but some of the girls I knew came DAMN close. My school was one of the top party schools in the U.S.
BYU was not nearly this much fun
I think BYU tries not to be that much fun? I dunno, I didn’t make it in. Just as well.
I went to a local community college and an art institute. I think we were all too broke to do this.
Or I was just too insanely busy/tired to notice any of this.
Yeah, “the no-fun-allowed ‘university'” is pretty much the unofficial nickname of BYU, AFAIK, and I know that despite being neither USian nor Mormon ^^” (though I have to admit that keeping an eye on fundies and on ‘Murikan politics is a big hobby of mine)
…and, for those of you not familiar with the song:
Thanks Guru. Context is appreciated.
I am curious as to why Atsali thought she needed the job given the other info just introduced.
To me it seems like she’s just making sure her roomie is not alone. At least she’s having fun with it.
I have a feeling that Atsali and Skylar are mainly doing this because it’s a fun thing to do. Relatively safe, make good money, spend some time partying with the locals.
We know that ‘Sali doesn’t need money but Skylar is probably less well off.
Probably wanting that bit of independence, the feeling of not relying on family for money. God knows I could do with some of that right now…
For those of you who know me, you KNOW I would have pulled up the Animaniacs version of the song…
What the hell are you talking about. There is no other version other than the Animaniacs version.
Why can I see the girls doing the last part as a First Strike on a rude customer
I’m deeply dismayed how those Animaniacs turned this children’s song into a stripper tune.
Yeah, the Animaniacs is where I remember hearing it as a kid.
That’s some international friendship song!
Boy, whoever quoted that yesterday sure called it.
Hopefully ‘Sali has her siren powers under control, otherwise there might be a lot of soreheaded salarymen from drinking to much brau und schnapps.

Pretty sure she does by now. We saw her struggling with it more as a Jr. High student.
A wedding ring is a dangerous thing.
That’d be interesting to hear with Japanese mixed in.
Check out http://www.marycagle.com for another cartoonist’s opinions of life in Japan. Especially the bar life (toward the end of the run.) Mary Cagle taught English in Japan for several years and documented the experience in this comic. (Check out her other comics, too!)
Sorry, but WTF is a “Schnitzelbank”???
This from an Austrian …
Literally a “chip bench” or “shaving bench”. In English it’s called a “shaving horse”. In either language, it’s a tool used by woodworkers of various sorts. It clamps a piece of wood in place so you can shave and shape it with a drawknife.
So, for those native German speakers it would be “Hobelbank” …
Except Swiss ones, but well “native speakers”
same here. Never heard that “Schnitzelbank” before and I am from germany.
But I counter with:
O du schö-ö-ö-ner We-e-e-sterwald, Eukalyptusbonbon.
Ist das nicht ein Otto von Schnitzelpußkrankengescheitmeier?
Ja das ist ein Otto von Schnitzelpußkrankengescheitmeier?
Ist das nicht ein terribly long name to have to try and say?
Ja das ist ein terribly long name to have to try and say?
O du schöner
O du schöner
O du schöner
Thank you SO much for spelling that, I would have NEVER gotten it right. I don’t even know how to type an esszet on this silly keyboard.
why is her tail showing?
because it wants to…
It’s a para themed bar. Imagine not having to hide your true form and the local populous thinks it’s a supernatural costume. Sort of like having a vampire work at a Halloween store. Hiding in plain site. It’s brilliant actually. Having people blind themselves to the truth because of preconceived notions.
I wonder if one of the non paras figures it out that the Backfire Effect would invalidate the truth for him/her.
I believe there may be a horn showing as well.
OK – I’m curious. I speak German (fluently, as in, every day) and have NO idea what a Schnitzelbank is. Schnitzel is meat (usually pork) breaded and fried in a frying pan. A bank is a bank (as in $$) or a bench. Or is the point that it means nothing?
Definitely a German-American thing, seems to have died out in Germany (I asked around a bit). I’ve noticed that happens a lot – the traditions that our immigrant forefathers clung to and taught us faithfully have long since been dropped by the people in the countries they originated from. But who cares? FUN!
Astali probably gets great tips too. Mythbusers did an experiment to see if bust size affected tips and had their girl working a small shop like a sandwich shop two different days. One “stock” the next with a bit of help. She got better tips for the same job when bustified. From women as well as men.
Yeah sure that’s the US, but are things that different in Japan?
It’s worse in Japan if their anime is any indication.
The Astoundingly Bountiful Bust is one of the top ten worst cliches in anime.
IIRC, though I could be wrong, tipping isn’t really the norm in Japan.
There is a restaurant in Hawaii and Japan called Anna Miller’s where the uniform is um, designed to show off one’s bust.
It’s not a “breasturant” like Hooter’s or Twin Peaks but from what I’ve heard the attitudes are just as bad, it just has slightly more modest dress, as one would expect in Japan.
Yeah, it sure looks like Atsali got a crappy job.
Yeah, it sure looks like she hates it.
(He said, voice dripping with sarcasm)
Dette doesn’t know what job she has
The only thing Atsali hates about her job is when her Dirndl explodes from too much bouncing
One word. “Lydia”.
Didn’t Aunt Monica take her there at least once? I remember something about carbon fiber and nanotubes.
As other have said, Sali isn’t working because she needs the money, she’s doing it be supportive of her new friend and to be more sociable
Dammit, now I’m thirsty for a pint…