Strong Coffee by Paul Taylor on November 9, 2015 at 11:47 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, Euryale, SthenoLocation: Monica's Island Related Comics ¬ Pretty Cool Something Is Up Different Directions No Longer Saw Bit of a Klutz
The possibility that the lady might be formed from a bean-growing plant is not quite so absurd when asked by a child who is formed from a tangle of sentient vines.
Can hardly wait to see Lil Pickle try and pronounce ‘turpentine’ 😀
it would be way too adorable!
I’m liking Stheno more and more…
This reminds me so much of conversations I have with my 5 year old and 3 year old nieces when I pick them up from school.
I’d love to see a “li’l gorgon sisters” coloring book.
I think me and Stheno would totally hit it off, love girls with that kind of humor 🙂
HA! Even American Navy coffee can’t hold a candle to Stheno!