That’s a lovely sentiment, but I’d like you to call it back to mind, the next time we’re looking at one of the MANY comic pages where the punchline is that something extremely obvious has flown straight over Atsali’s head.
It’s times like this I feel sorry for Mr. Taylor. Now, he has to come up with a male character, give him a name and do s bunch of work on character models and backstory, knowing full well he’s only going to last as long as one ill-timed grab or grope or sexually aggressive comment, and then he gets bent, spindled and mutilated by a giant succubus, a giant enraged usomorph (or two,) and possibly a small pantheon of vengeful supernatural entities. RIP Dumb Stereotypical Jock Redshirt Plot Device, we hardly will have knewn ye.
“Small” pantheon? Have you seen the cast list lately? Jaguar girl, a couple of sphinxes, the golem girls, whatever Nudge is, demons and elementals, vampires, gorgons… and I’ve not even started on her family and school friends… her weed of a sister, the usomorphs, a fae princess, assorted demigods…
Let’s introduce two males — one to be the designated jerk headed for a beat-down and one respectful etc. who aborts the jerk’s behavior by kicking him out of the panel before the ladies do. (And the male is something powerful like a dragon or griffon but in human form, so he’s not really at a disadvantage one-on-one.)
And then there can be slips and misunderstandings and explanations and the ladies can have a new friend while one tries to decide if she should try to go a little farther.
You know, I don’t even need a guest-star stud for a Special Guest spot… How about the occasional Y-chromosome in the background of the occasional panel 3?
Most dress stores/women’s clothing stores sell little things you stick on, they keep the “high beams” down so to speak. They come in lots of different designs/brands, most look like little flesh toned flowers. I can tell you from experience that they are undetectable under clothing and they do work!
I would argue that they amount of skin and display has everything to do with sexuality. It’s just not anyone’s business except the person at whom that sexuality is aimed. (i.e. Atsali can aim at Nadette. It’s a focused beam. No one else has the right to comment.)
Not out of the question. Remember, we know that both she and Monica buy bras from a design-genius who employs ninjas, and *this* is a shop catering to paras. If the dress were made out of some supernaturally strengthened fabric, it wouldn’t be at all a surprise.
I like the way the front of this dress/gown goes ~straight~ down from the nipples & areola to the waist, unlike the ~cupping~ of the breasts seen in everyday clothing (like the Gryphon school·uniform shirts) and making it look like they’re ~tailored~ (in cases where such tailoring wouldn’t reasonably be expected )
Atsali has beauty with her brains. Nadette is a lucky woman!
That’s a lovely sentiment, but I’d like you to call it back to mind, the next time we’re looking at one of the MANY comic pages where the punchline is that something extremely obvious has flown straight over Atsali’s head.
Brains and social obliviousness go hand in hand more often than you might think. Atsali has only been shown being clueless about social cues and such.
‘Sucking Lemons’ & Blowing, er, other stuff… Darn, this site is PG13-R only…
Nadette’s definitely gonna need a chin strap. LOL
She’s going to need a bib…
Atsali doesn’t look like a girl, anymore. She looks like a woman.
She’s looked like a woman for some time.
Compensating for Atsali’s Ballast puts quite the arch in her back.
The reality is that large breasted women often end up with back problems from carrying all that weight.
I might argue a -little- that it does have something to do with sexuality, it’s just not a bad thing.
If the rest of the dress follow that same amount of skin, it’s quite modest, really.
For a creature with both a tail and wings, it seems downright practical.
I do think that is part of the idea.
What Akeche said- but it need not be a thing of Shame or Evil…
Not so little white lie there, Jin but at least now Atsali’ll carry it off with feeling self concious. Or stuffing
in shamers
So… Is this Thursday’s Entry (29Dec2016) or is it yesterday’s (Wed, 28Dec2016). Apart from the time/date stamp I mean…
It’s times like this I feel sorry for Mr. Taylor. Now, he has to come up with a male character, give him a name and do s bunch of work on character models and backstory, knowing full well he’s only going to last as long as one ill-timed grab or grope or sexually aggressive comment, and then he gets bent, spindled and mutilated by a giant succubus, a giant enraged usomorph (or two,) and possibly a small pantheon of vengeful supernatural entities. RIP Dumb Stereotypical Jock Redshirt Plot Device, we hardly will have knewn ye.
“Small” pantheon? Have you seen the cast list lately? Jaguar girl, a couple of sphinxes, the golem girls, whatever Nudge is, demons and elementals, vampires, gorgons… and I’ve not even started on her family and school friends… her weed of a sister, the usomorphs, a fae princess, assorted demigods…
Atsali is *seriously* well connected.
I might argue too connected. It can be difficult to relate a lot of the time when any problem can technically be swept under the rug.
Don’t forget the MIB
Let’s introduce two males — one to be the designated jerk headed for a beat-down and one respectful etc. who aborts the jerk’s behavior by kicking him out of the panel before the ladies do. (And the male is something powerful like a dragon or griffon but in human form, so he’s not really at a disadvantage one-on-one.)
And then there can be slips and misunderstandings and explanations and the ladies can have a new friend while one tries to decide if she should try to go a little farther.
You know, I don’t even need a guest-star stud for a Special Guest spot… How about the occasional Y-chromosome in the background of the occasional panel 3?
Family are the people who don’t get mad they have to explain things. They just… Realize you can’t read them well and say it all. <3
Skintight fabric…. How’s the dress supposed to deal with highbeams?
it… clings tighter?… come on, what do you EXPECT to happen!
Most dress stores/women’s clothing stores sell little things you stick on, they keep the “high beams” down so to speak. They come in lots of different designs/brands, most look like little flesh toned flowers. I can tell you from experience that they are undetectable under clothing and they do work!
And thats a shame and I hate that these things exist…
I would argue that they amount of skin and display has everything to do with sexuality. It’s just not anyone’s business except the person at whom that sexuality is aimed. (i.e. Atsali can aim at Nadette. It’s a focused beam. No one else has the right to comment.)
The material must be magic Kevlar for all the loads and stresses it manages.
Not out of the question. Remember, we know that both she and Monica buy bras from a design-genius who employs ninjas, and *this* is a shop catering to paras. If the dress were made out of some supernaturally strengthened fabric, it wouldn’t be at all a surprise.
Lydia uses non-Newtonian fabrics, too.
She has a DARPA R&D contract.
No wardrobe malfunctions, won’t slip, can’t even feel the material…
How does it stand up to Dispel Illusion spells?
Who’d a-thought that dress designers need to study engineering?
Most engineers AND clothing fesigners.
I like the way the front of this dress/gown goes ~straight~ down from the nipples & areola to the waist, unlike the ~cupping~ of the breasts seen in everyday clothing (like the Gryphon school·uniform shirts) and making it look like they’re ~tailored~ (in cases where such tailoring wouldn’t reasonably be expected