When I was ten (in 1959), I had no idea about “that kind” of licking. I never heard of it until I was 13 or 14, and didn’t believe what I heard for a couple of years after that. Then I figured it out for myself.
Only if you are not English, or been brought up on a steady diet of English-ness being a member of the Commonwealth, but no, it’s not strange you find it humorous
Most long-time stories evolve and change, it could so easily have ended when they fixed the Time Computer Calculator loop thingie, or when Shelley came out of the Time Forest
Haven’t seen Dayla for a while…
Don’t tell people that, Castela. O_o
Also, that “thing” with her feet is called a fetish Pickle.
When did Dayla get taller than Castela again?
And Timothy is still a runt.
Dayla’s eyes are interesting. Makes since, I guess, because she doesn’t have eyes in her natural form.
Wait, what is Dayla’s natural form again? o_O
Yes….What is Dayla?
Dayla has a wedge shaped face, possibly even with a sharp edge, and star holes for eyes.
It’s either this: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/run-away/
or this: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/peanut-butter-kisses/
Im not sure which one is her “true” form, but I suspect it’s the bigger toothier one.
When I was ten (in 1959), I had no idea about “that kind” of licking. I never heard of it until I was 13 or 14, and didn’t believe what I heard for a couple of years after that. Then I figured it out for myself.
They’re all 12.
Ah. I’ve fallen behind.
Scarlet is working on figuring it out right now.
At least they are all still friends. Also I think this is the first time we have seen Dayla in her human form.
is it strange that I find “snogging” to be an incredibly humorous term? ~<3
Not really. I’ve always taken it to be a joking term.
Ever since hearing it in an episode of “Monty Python”…
Only if you are not English, or been brought up on a steady diet of English-ness being a member of the Commonwealth, but no, it’s not strange you find it humorous
Scarlet with Timothy in last pannel, LMAO!
And it fits in perfectly with Scarlet’s behavior.
There is a lot of tongue going around their social and family circles…remember Monica’s tongue?
(Someday soon I’ll have to rant about the difference between the beginnings and right now…unless that counts as ranting right there…)
Most long-time stories evolve and change, it could so easily have ended when they fixed the Time Computer Calculator loop thingie, or when Shelley came out of the Time Forest
Well, I ran into it first when the Time Forest thing started, way before I did any looking back or bought the books. I liked it then, I like it now.
“He lubbs mah tongue!”
Umm, Scarlet dear? Most people don’t lick the head, unless they are bald
Now you’ve done it. I can’t stop seeing Scarlet picking hair out of her mouth.
Girls, oh and some boys of course, don’t listen to Guesticus. Do lick the head and your boyfriend will love you for it, just not that head…
I’ll go looking for the local perv box now. Directions anyone?
Okay, that’s a relief, Stela isn’t completely traumatized, Timmeh on the other hand, just might be 😛
Is the hair on the back of one’s head an erogenous zone?
It’s pretty common for the scalp to be erogenous.
Tasting, tasting, 1…2…3…
Timothy seems SOOOOO confused.
Being in constant contact with this bunch, confused may be a lifetime occupation.
Snoggin’, was used a lot in the Potter Series.
Better then most American slang for making out.
what is Scarlet planning?.
Watch out for hairballs Scarlet…
Try ears, gal. Or neck.
Homo saps tend to get sex and grooming behaviors entangled with each other. Apparently that’s true of at least some Paras as well.
It doesn’t do anything for me, but my cat seems to like doing that.