I’ve read it over several times and I can’t see where Abbie’s last speech is coming from. Unless, as suggested by the word “princess,” she’s resentful herself. And now I’m thinking Mallory’s embarrassment from the previous strip is for Abbie. Another question: Why is the inside of Abbie’s mouth always white, never shadowed? Does she have an internal glow?
@BarerMender: but you missed the fact that Nadette is reacting as if ABBIE told her to do something she didn’t want to do all on her OWN… when in reality she’s just passing the order on from the TEACHER, for Nadette to come see her. don’t kill the messenger remember. and i’m pretty sure that Abbie’s statement was more about HOW it was worded than the actual words themselves. to me it sounded that she’s pissed off that “they” are giving her “orders” and has an”I’m not gonna stand for it” attitude, almost like like SHE’S the “Queen Bee” at the school (or at least the Girl behind the throne) and not Atsali. As for Mallory, that doesn’t look as “embarrassed” to me it looks “wary”… we already know when Nadette’s turned on, she morphs into a more teddy-bear-like form, so maybe Nadette is like Pickle, in that she morphs when she’s angry too, and this is what Mallory sees, only its NOT a “teddy-bear” form she’s shifting towards, especially since we don’t SEE Nadette as she spit’s out that last sentence, and they are walking away with their backs towards her.
Perhaps, scan, but Abbie’s could simply,y pass it on with “hey, I don’t know what teachers issue is, she just says come see her. But, hey, it’s your grade.” What i see is Nadette not feeling like defending her decision. Add to this that I feel she may not be ENTIRELY sure what she wants for the rest of her life and she doesn’t HAVE to know RIGHT NOW, I get her little outburst. She literally has the option to figure it out eventually.
Abbie’s immediatly jumping to her latter attitude is what I’m snorting at, as it, from my perspective looks a little resentful or at least presumptuous of Nadettes relationship to Atsali.
you’re right about how Abbie could have passed on the information differently, but for me at least i DON’T see her attitude as jealousy of Nadette and Atsali at all. i see it as “Hey a teacher told me to tell you to see her and you’re flipping ME shit? WTF Dude” kind of attitude.
As for Nadette, you’re right, she doesn’t NEED to know right now what she’s going to do for REAL for the rest of her life, but since this IS a school we’re talking about here, i’ll hazard a guess that this was some sort of long term homework assignment or something similar, one that Nadette hasn’t bothered to even DO, until the last possible second before the deadline of “turned-in-after-this-date-and-you-fail-this-assignment” date, since apparently Ms. Alger has been after Nadette to turn in that form for MOST of the semester (as per last page), AND her wording there is suspect as well “she was BUGGING ME about it ALL SEMESTER” (emphasis mine) and add to it her snarky answer in today’s strip “FINE, I’ll go talk to her right NOW! ARE YOU HAPPY?” (again emphasis mine) that is NOT an attitude that brings joy to a teachers heart when they have to deal with that “I don’t have to do what you say” attitude… nor is it a very good way to acknowledge the fact that A TEACHER has told another STUDENT to find said individual and tell them to get their butt in to see them… there was no implied “oh, yeah, you can go see the teach whenever you FEEL LIKE IT”… no, it was quite implicit in the command to see her “NOW”, especially if she’s sending other students out to FIND HER! it seems almost as if Nadette is, oh i don’t know… maybe AVOIDING the teacher, possibly hoping that it wouldn’t come to this??
Even if she didn’t come from money, she’d still have several viable options available to her. First she could entertain kids using her ursamorph abilities… (see the “party tricks” comment in the strip where atsali and pickle first meet nadette and berdine), then there’s her oracle powers. She could start up one of those psychic hotlines and in her case actually be somewhat accurate. MIB is also an option, given that she’s helped out on the return to mapimi, and is acquanted with several high ranking members. There’s also a potential for working at the library, since she knows both phix and nudge. So I think she’s fairly secure.
Which may, in itself, be a cause for resentment among the more “mundane” of the paras.
If Atsali weren’t such an obvious goof, I would expect to see it there, too, given how she’s essentially had the world dropped in her lap – the Tuna’s early comments about the ‘new queen bee’ were pretty much on the mark.
I think she’s concerned that Nadette only acts if she’s pressured. That automatic “Are you happy?” has all the hallmarks of a child who’s been pressured into following the family business despite her own desires.
it could be Cricket, because she literally IS a Princess… then again she’s probably referring to Atsali here. as the “Queen Bee” of the school, i’m sure some of the students (that for whatever reasons they have,) who DON’T like Atsali (or her other friends), may refer to her as a “princess” though it’s usually with the adjectives of “spoiled” and “rotten” added to the front of that word…
If Atsali showed any ability at, or even intention to play, the popularity game, definitely. Between the Tuna and the Flyers the year before, she was bumping some heads.
When she turns on the gush defense, though, she’s either not in the game, or so far out of their league it doesn’t matter.
I think were all missing the point here, and shoot I could be too but I feel Nadette’s teacher is right. like Nadette said her mothers been teaching her the inns and outs of business. She sounds like a child who has been shown what she should want I will note she seems ine would willingly accept that idea. Know the wording doesnt have to mean this, but if she truly just put im wealthy on the paper it mean in her young age she sees nothing but a career in business with the finacial backup of her parents in the vast world of opportunity she only sees her sitting wealth and a job she was taught of that could help her acquire her own sort of wealth.(she in my eyes is a wonderful little cinnamon roll and this stamens dose not negate my views of her)
She may also be completely happy with that idea too. Or, in my opinion, thinks it’s a fine idea until she finally decides what she wants to be when she grows up.
A post-high school career plan sheet not being well worded or indicating ambition? Scandalous I tell you! Scandalous!
This seems like everyone mistaking apathy, and lack of personal motivation, for a very deliberate choice. I’ll guess this is a Seer issue. Nadette is currently blinded to many personal futures because of her relationship with Atsali. This has been going on for a relatively small fraction of her life. Like someone blinded by a bright light, she’s mostly holding still on firm ground she knows. But that’s really hard to explain to a non-seer, also very personal. Which is why it took her so long to write up the career plan and why it looks like apathy of falling back on her parent’s money/plans. The only paths forward she can see are ones where her intimacy with Atsali ends. While any paths where that intimacy remains are dark to her. It could very well be that by process of elimination she found that inheriting/running her mother’s company or her dad’s money are the only paths were she stays with Atsali, because she can’t SEE herself doing either of those things, which means she’s still with Atsali, which is something she really still wants. But you can’t put that on a high school career planning sheet.
“Dear teacher, my plan post-high school is to follow my girlfriend blindly into a dark unknown future bracketed by known futures where we are no longer together. Many of those bright futures are interesting, ambitious, and successful career paths you are expecting to see from typical students. The only futures I CAN NOT SEE are ones where I take over my mom’s company or just my dads wealth. If there are other options I CAN NOT SEE them. Not because I’m not looking or lack motivation, it is because I cannot SEE them. And if I SEE them I can’t follow them because I lose Atsali as a partner.”
Sure, it is known she is a seer, has it been said that she know what will happen in her future and everyone else’s, correctly every time, and interpret correctly her visions, always without fail?
Well, I was right about the family business.
I suppose Nadette should have asked Atsali for help on wording the form, though.
Pft, suck on an egg, Abbie.
Agreed, sounds like Nadette has it figured out already.
I’ve read it over several times and I can’t see where Abbie’s last speech is coming from. Unless, as suggested by the word “princess,” she’s resentful herself. And now I’m thinking Mallory’s embarrassment from the previous strip is for Abbie. Another question: Why is the inside of Abbie’s mouth always white, never shadowed? Does she have an internal glow?
@BarerMender: but you missed the fact that Nadette is reacting as if ABBIE told her to do something she didn’t want to do all on her OWN… when in reality she’s just passing the order on from the TEACHER, for Nadette to come see her. don’t kill the messenger remember. and i’m pretty sure that Abbie’s statement was more about HOW it was worded than the actual words themselves. to me it sounded that she’s pissed off that “they” are giving her “orders” and has an”I’m not gonna stand for it” attitude, almost like like SHE’S the “Queen Bee” at the school (or at least the Girl behind the throne) and not Atsali. As for Mallory, that doesn’t look as “embarrassed” to me it looks “wary”… we already know when Nadette’s turned on, she morphs into a more teddy-bear-like form, so maybe Nadette is like Pickle, in that she morphs when she’s angry too, and this is what Mallory sees, only its NOT a “teddy-bear” form she’s shifting towards, especially since we don’t SEE Nadette as she spit’s out that last sentence, and they are walking away with their backs towards her.
I don’t see all that.
Perhaps, scan, but Abbie’s could simply,y pass it on with “hey, I don’t know what teachers issue is, she just says come see her. But, hey, it’s your grade.” What i see is Nadette not feeling like defending her decision. Add to this that I feel she may not be ENTIRELY sure what she wants for the rest of her life and she doesn’t HAVE to know RIGHT NOW, I get her little outburst. She literally has the option to figure it out eventually.
Abbie’s immediatly jumping to her latter attitude is what I’m snorting at, as it, from my perspective looks a little resentful or at least presumptuous of Nadettes relationship to Atsali.
you’re right about how Abbie could have passed on the information differently, but for me at least i DON’T see her attitude as jealousy of Nadette and Atsali at all. i see it as “Hey a teacher told me to tell you to see her and you’re flipping ME shit? WTF Dude” kind of attitude.
As for Nadette, you’re right, she doesn’t NEED to know right now what she’s going to do for REAL for the rest of her life, but since this IS a school we’re talking about here, i’ll hazard a guess that this was some sort of long term homework assignment or something similar, one that Nadette hasn’t bothered to even DO, until the last possible second before the deadline of “turned-in-after-this-date-and-you-fail-this-assignment” date, since apparently Ms. Alger has been after Nadette to turn in that form for MOST of the semester (as per last page), AND her wording there is suspect as well “she was BUGGING ME about it ALL SEMESTER” (emphasis mine) and add to it her snarky answer in today’s strip “FINE, I’ll go talk to her right NOW! ARE YOU HAPPY?” (again emphasis mine) that is NOT an attitude that brings joy to a teachers heart when they have to deal with that “I don’t have to do what you say” attitude… nor is it a very good way to acknowledge the fact that A TEACHER has told another STUDENT to find said individual and tell them to get their butt in to see them… there was no implied “oh, yeah, you can go see the teach whenever you FEEL LIKE IT”… no, it was quite implicit in the command to see her “NOW”, especially if she’s sending other students out to FIND HER! it seems almost as if Nadette is, oh i don’t know… maybe AVOIDING the teacher, possibly hoping that it wouldn’t come to this??
Even if she didn’t come from money, she’d still have several viable options available to her. First she could entertain kids using her ursamorph abilities… (see the “party tricks” comment in the strip where atsali and pickle first meet nadette and berdine), then there’s her oracle powers. She could start up one of those psychic hotlines and in her case actually be somewhat accurate. MIB is also an option, given that she’s helped out on the return to mapimi, and is acquanted with several high ranking members. There’s also a potential for working at the library, since she knows both phix and nudge. So I think she’s fairly secure.
Which may, in itself, be a cause for resentment among the more “mundane” of the paras.
If Atsali weren’t such an obvious goof, I would expect to see it there, too, given how she’s essentially had the world dropped in her lap – the Tuna’s early comments about the ‘new queen bee’ were pretty much on the mark.
I think she’s concerned that Nadette only acts if she’s pressured. That automatic “Are you happy?” has all the hallmarks of a child who’s been pressured into following the family business despite her own desires.
No, “Are you happy?” is what you say to get someone, anyone, off your damn back, and Abbie was practically bear-backing Dette
Is Abby referring to Cricket or Nadette in that last panel?
it could be Cricket, because she literally IS a Princess… then again she’s probably referring to Atsali here. as the “Queen Bee” of the school, i’m sure some of the students (that for whatever reasons they have,) who DON’T like Atsali (or her other friends), may refer to her as a “princess” though it’s usually with the adjectives of “spoiled” and “rotten” added to the front of that word…
If Atsali showed any ability at, or even intention to play, the popularity game, definitely. Between the Tuna and the Flyers the year before, she was bumping some heads.
When she turns on the gush defense, though, she’s either not in the game, or so far out of their league it doesn’t matter.
Well, I think a degree in engineering might help her some in the construction biz…she’s got to be made to realize that.
Lots of math there (I’m a retired engineer).
Nadette doesn’t like math…
Also she’s a seer, isn’t she? (Just rereading Volume Ten by chance tipped me off about that.) Maybe some college course involving seer education…
As my pseudonym indicates, I am in my seventies and still haven’t decided what I want to be when I grow up.
Youngest daughter, the thirty-one year old, keeps moaning about how it sucks to be an adult. I just smile and go around the corner to laugh manically.
When I think of the things I worried about when I was fifteen…
I think were all missing the point here, and shoot I could be too but I feel Nadette’s teacher is right. like Nadette said her mothers been teaching her the inns and outs of business. She sounds like a child who has been shown what she should want I will note she seems ine would willingly accept that idea. Know the wording doesnt have to mean this, but if she truly just put im wealthy on the paper it mean in her young age she sees nothing but a career in business with the finacial backup of her parents in the vast world of opportunity she only sees her sitting wealth and a job she was taught of that could help her acquire her own sort of wealth.(she in my eyes is a wonderful little cinnamon roll and this stamens dose not negate my views of her)
Sorry about the typos typing paragraphs on a phone is merciless.
She may also be completely happy with that idea too. Or, in my opinion, thinks it’s a fine idea until she finally decides what she wants to be when she grows up.
Ah, my question from yesterday is answered. IE: Her parents are wealthy due to a combination of old money and a thriving business.
And it sounds like she’s being groomed to at least work in, and possibly inherit, her mom’s company. So that’s an option for her right there.
Her wealth also gives her the opportunity to pursue higher education in any field she desires, or have seed money to start up her own business.
Or, as I said yesterday, go the “set up a trust fund and become a world traveler”. Unless her parents don’t like that idea and they cut her off.
A post-high school career plan sheet not being well worded or indicating ambition? Scandalous I tell you! Scandalous!
This seems like everyone mistaking apathy, and lack of personal motivation, for a very deliberate choice. I’ll guess this is a Seer issue. Nadette is currently blinded to many personal futures because of her relationship with Atsali. This has been going on for a relatively small fraction of her life. Like someone blinded by a bright light, she’s mostly holding still on firm ground she knows. But that’s really hard to explain to a non-seer, also very personal. Which is why it took her so long to write up the career plan and why it looks like apathy of falling back on her parent’s money/plans. The only paths forward she can see are ones where her intimacy with Atsali ends. While any paths where that intimacy remains are dark to her. It could very well be that by process of elimination she found that inheriting/running her mother’s company or her dad’s money are the only paths were she stays with Atsali, because she can’t SEE herself doing either of those things, which means she’s still with Atsali, which is something she really still wants. But you can’t put that on a high school career planning sheet.
“Dear teacher, my plan post-high school is to follow my girlfriend blindly into a dark unknown future bracketed by known futures where we are no longer together. Many of those bright futures are interesting, ambitious, and successful career paths you are expecting to see from typical students. The only futures I CAN NOT SEE are ones where I take over my mom’s company or just my dads wealth. If there are other options I CAN NOT SEE them. Not because I’m not looking or lack motivation, it is because I cannot SEE them. And if I SEE them I can’t follow them because I lose Atsali as a partner.”
I wonder how common Seers are? If they were a well known quantity, you’d think the Para school system would be making such allowances.
Nadette would be wise to remember that wealth and job security can all change in an instant. You really never guaranteed anything in life.
however, as Dorje Sylas stated above, Nadette is a SEER… so that would (shouldacouldawoulda have) been taken into account…
Sure, it is known she is a seer, has it been said that she know what will happen in her future and everyone else’s, correctly every time, and interpret correctly her visions, always without fail?
*never are
“My parents are wealthy, meaning they are far better qualified to give career advice than a high school guidance counselor.”