Could be as mundane as a flat tire and a dead phone battery, or could be a horrendous crime took place. Truly a wide range of possibilities with a missing person and no specification of time spent missing.
At first I was wondering what might account for the change in the relative heights of Devyn and Alexis between Panels One and Two, but I just now noticed the ponytail on the girl talking in Panel Two. This makes it reasonable to conclude that she’s actually Abbie, talking to Alexis.
Went missing!? That sounds really bad.
Could be nothing, but ya it sounds ominous.
Could be as mundane as a flat tire and a dead phone battery, or could be a horrendous crime took place. Truly a wide range of possibilities with a missing person and no specification of time spent missing.
There will be crushes.
There already is by me they look Adorable!
Well, yeah, but I was think students falling for the teacher.
There will be studying. Of the teacher. All semester.
And yet, nothing (from the assigned curriculum) will be learned.
Harem anime…
So… Shelly’s cousin or an uncle to a certain set of Ursamorph twins?
The question is how did a teacher go missing?
Like this:
That was SO COOL!
OH, NO! Your cat went missing, too!!!
[snicker] The downside of the inborn cat ability to go boneless at will…
That’s a special stunt cat, right?
I think that they’ll eat him alive … possibly literally.
Slowly with lots of lip smacking and finger lickings.
He’s showing fear. He’s done for.
Villain I’m coming to hear she’s feeling if she’s a villain. Or you know she’s an antagonist.
Wow did my voice activation screw that up.
Oh dear… I can see the crushes coming from a mile away… this should be interesting….
The white mouth in panel 2 seems odd to me
Wait, was he only informed twenty minutes ago that he was now the teacher? Or did the teacher go missing twenty minutes ago?
New year is starting off on an ominous note… let the fun times begin
Wait, are you saying he’s not cute? Or that he shoulda been your cute sub? o_O
Missing teacher, eh? Somebody better make sure Devyn isn’t sending people into her hell dimension over slights again.
So…did he disappear on his own or was he helped?
Most of these girls are literally “man eaters”. Note the fangs.
Monica has fangs these days.
Everybody in the Wapsi-verse have fangs
Katherine doesn’t have fangs
Surely they didn’t send in a human sub.
Just as long as it isn’t a yellow sub
At first I was wondering what might account for the change in the relative heights of Devyn and Alexis between Panels One and Two, but I just now noticed the ponytail on the girl talking in Panel Two. This makes it reasonable to conclude that she’s actually Abbie, talking to Alexis.