Tie Me Up by Paul Taylor on March 29, 2016 at 10:30 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, NadetteLocation: Monica's Island Related Comics ¬ When You Grow Up Style Of Boot Really Worked Scared Of Heights Pretty Cool
Hubba hubba!
Well, turnabout is fair play, Nadette…
The funniest part is Astali is not even trying…
And Nadette feels it in her tail.
Fuzz butt!
The devil’s in de tail.
So somebody else has adolescent body part swelling…
This is.. getting to be a tired gag.
Lies! There can never be too much accidental innuendo!
She didn’t say anything about a gag.
Phrasing! XD
Sweet revenge! 😀
double entrende?
Talisman, anyone?
Dette would need special ropes and a safety word first 😛
Safe words are for sissies.
They are also for trust (don’t have to say them, but it’s always safer to have them, or they wouldn’t be ‘safe words’)
hot damn!!!!!! aroooooo
Nadette: “Astali, honey… stop training me to rip up all your other bathing suits!”
Wait, wait, wait. Did Atsali get to that state in front of Nadette? No wonder Nadette looks stunned.
tie her up as in bdsm?