Very Few by Paul Taylor on June 2, 2016 at 12:19 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, NadetteLocation: Gilchrist Home Related Comics ¬ 02/08/2005 Creaking Doors Then That Nothing More Than That Punched My Tail
She loves you, Atsali.
I’m sure those events will have no impact on upcoming strips. None at all.
Damn, time for some harsh backstory, eh? Sadness will ensue and all that… 🙁
There’s NO possibility of a picture in that box setting off a recovered memory…
I don’t know what’s cuter, Nadette’s cheese eatin’ grin in the first panel, or beebee Atsali in the third… X°D
I like Nadette’s wide-eyed first look at the picture in frame 2. She looks almost as adorable as baby Atsali…
These two have a future.
I don’t know. I could see Nadette resent that she’s giving more, and Atsali resent Nadette’s demanding more. It could end up like Andre and Dory Previn, except Nadette’s not as neurotic as Dory.
Yes, nothing like baby pix to soften the heart
One of the benefits of having a shape-shifting friend is that if you don’t have any baby videos you can get her to help you make new ones.
True test of love: the baby photo’s 😀
The drool! THE DROOL!!! 😀
Look how happy she is to be one of the priviledged few…
Seconded. Also, SQUEEEEEE!!!!