How old is Connie?
I can think of reasons for every Age from 12 to 80.000. Remember, one of the previous times we’ve seen her acting autonomously, she was the chaperone for Devyn and the Touchy-Feely Teenie-Boppers, and Connie was old enough to chaperone.
A school uniform?!
Turn Gryphon into Rock `n’ Roll High School?
It is a fetish for too many dirty old men, and Tepoz is definitely old and male, his alcohol affinity implies a certain level of dirtiness as well
Mischief managed!
Hook… line and sinker! XD
isn’t that what Pickle was wearing at con?
No, that’s like her school uniform.
How old is Connie?
I can think of reasons for every Age from 12 to 80.000. Remember, one of the previous times we’ve seen her acting autonomously, she was the chaperone for Devyn and the Touchy-Feely Teenie-Boppers, and Connie was old enough to chaperone.
She’s as old as Shelly, and considering the time she spent outside of time in the Forest with Shelly, that’s pretty old.
subtle Connie, subtle… ~<3
Been meaning to say something about the school uniforms—I’m against them.
Anything about them in particular? o_O
Just the idea of shoving kids who don’t wanna be in school into an even more intrusive invasion of their personal space.
Well, that will certainly get his attention, for good or ill.
I think that’s the idea.
I always love to see the Library in the background.
Tepoz’s Attention — Get!