Back Yet by Paul Taylor on October 9, 2019 at 12:23 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Barbara, Bud, Castela, Hiroshi, Mindy, Scarlet, ShawnaLocation: The Black Forest Related Comics ¬ Awesome As You Scarlet In That Department Not Our Job Nothing Unwise
Uh, oh — three ladies interested in Hiroshi?
All the ladies love Hiroshi.
Even the gay ones.
“urban bumbo”… nice way to slut shame someone that isn’t even a slut.
Bimbo means “attractive but unintelligent”, it has nothing to do with how much sex someone is having.
It is my understanding that ‘Bimbo’ is Italian for ‘dumb farmer’.
The male version is ‘himbo’
Butt yes, there is nothing inherently sexual about either word
Jason, do you go out of your way to find things to be fake offended by?
Right, like Cas needs protecting, the being who could hole the Earth like a necklace bead.
Oh, no, here we go again with Hiroshii…
?question.?? girl with backpack on chest (Barb?) ,, have we ever seen her with out some thing covering her.?? (lazy don’t wanna look.)
Bidding has ended. Was it a canon item?
Plain Girl Takes Off Her Glasses – Hollywood trope:
Face fills out and blemishes disappear
Hair and makeup miraculously professionally done
Bust increases
Clothes suddenly fashionably tailored
@Myk: bidding may have ended, but if you scroll down and click on the small version you’ll get the fullscreen high-res version…
Small error. Second panel. “should be more then enough gas” – “then” should be “than” Also, welcome back! Really missed your work.
Don’t usually comment, but gotta say….it’s good to have the comic back. Thanks Paul. 🙂
By the way…”pro-tec-ted?” Hyphens all the way ’round?
She could be em-pha-size-ing each syllable 😀
Ok, Mindy. Time to remember what your great-grandma told you.