01/25/2002 by Paul Taylor on January 25, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, Shelly └ Tags: 8-ball shirt Related Comics ¬ 11/25/2002 04/10/2002 What Did You Do 06/30/2003 05/05/2005
Discussion (19) ¬
No WAY! First on my Fave comic of my fave strip!!! Coool!
my brain melted and now i’m all happy like
Mmmm. Busums. Rereading archive, good times.
Rereading also, got to be one of the all time great comics.
oh how i love shelly…and monica..i guess shes alright too
This was the first comic I ever saw of the strip. I say I am in on a good note.
My best fried has that shirt and has done this at the bar a few time. Beleve me you would think Topaz was there with all the free drinks she got.
Sorry- all I see is a scintillating #8…
don’t give chinese people another reason to like the #8.
I have… SOOOO many questions!!!
^This comment wins. LOL
The magic eight ball originated as a pint jar full of black liquid. You’d turn the jar over and get the answer in the bottom. I saw it back in the fifties. Someone asked it if my face was dirty, and the jar said, “Probably.”
And now I’ve got whiplash! Thank you very much…
I just saw all of the answers to all of life’s questions *right there*
….I think Shelly’s brain is broken.
The strip on this page needs to have its third panel in GIF animation !!
The first panel reminds me of one of Lilly Tomlin’s Laugh-In characters (^_^)
You ask a question, shake it for an answer, then forget the question! 😆