07/04/2003 by Paul Taylor on July 4, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: lemonade Related Comics ¬ 07/11/2003 03/15/2005 10/01/2003 Thefourthlight Wapsiguestshortpacked
When life hands you lemons, keep them — because sweet! Free lemons!
I like lemons. Usually ate them, like any other citruses.
or, when life hands you lemons, squirt your enemies in the eye!
i cant decide which of these comments is the best as they’re both awsome 🙂
i remember hoping when i first read this that being the alcohol know-it-all that he is, tepoz would have imparted a lemon based cocktail recipie 🙂
– Cave Johnson, were done here.
When life hands you lemons, throw your little Aztec God of Alcohol out the window.
i’ll burn your house down! with lemons!
When life gives you lemons, smile, peel’em and eat’em and watch them grimace…
Somehow I feel that having them make grimaces at me would make me hesitant to eating those lemons…
When life gives you lemons, make lemon custard-filled cupcakes.
i thought for sure he’d say something about alcohol
the road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but it’s lined with lemon trees. there’s even a guy selling hand baskets at the start.
For some reason, “they” don’t say all that much about what to do when life gives you tiny Aztec gods. 😛
“I do respect my elders–thats why I only dropped you out the first floor window.”
When Life gives you lemons, throw them back at Life’s face and say “I didn’t order this!”
“When life gives you lemons-” “I complain about the lemons!”
“When life gives you melons . . . you may be dyslexic.” (Who thinks Monica needs this tee?)