10/13/2003 by Paul Taylor on October 13, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum Related Comics ¬ Her Thithter Get This Sorted 01/31/2005 Gross and Scary 05/20/2005
Ol’ Tepoztecal; about as tactful as a drunk with a bullhorn…
What part of God of Booze didn’t you get?
Good thing Monica’s there to balance him out.
this doesnt really work very well
tepoz is adorable.
katherine is scary when she smiles.
Adorable? He’s a bald, blue midget in a wig, made out of clay mixed with the ashes of dead rats and weasels. How is that in any way ‘adorable’?
Unfortunately, we don’t get to find out he’s blue for quite a while. Paul… have you considered going back and colouring his first appearance (even just him)? Just so new readers get the right visual for him? I think you should.