Um, well, in many cases, in order to upgrade, you need to turn in an old phone. You can’t do that if it’s been vaporized, and you’d have to pay full price.
I’ve seen advertisements that give you a discount if you trade in an old phone (on a different network) — or you can buy a contract that has an annual upgrade built in. But. whatever works for you.
don’t believe the ads… usually you get much more to sell it… a VERY small amount of phones are worth recycling, far better to give it a ‘new life’ with a family not as rich..
depends. If it’s like an AT&T plan, you are elligble to upgrade after so many payments, if you turn in the phone you presently have. if you’ve paid the whole thing off, you’re simply eligible for a new plan.
She is a minor without her own income. Her mom bought her that phone, and if she vaporizes it, she shouldn’t reasonably expect to get another one for a good long time.
On the other hand, don’t give her any ideas — she could simply use the library transport system to walk over to Tokyo, and beat on her sister with a rock or other blunt instrument.
Are they in a special room where she can release her vaporizing ray without destroying anything? I cannot recall if they set that up for her when she started working with Luci…
Oh, there is no book involved. That sort of technique is taught, verbally, at the special “How To Embarrass Your Teen-age Children” classes that most school districts offer these days. The advanced courses involved coaching in parental PDA (ideally exhibited when the kids’ friends are visiting).
Nobody actually believes the lame cover story about “parent-teacher conferences,” do they?
Pickle just passed up an opportunity to upgrade to a new phone. That may be the first time, ever, that a teen has made that sort of decision.
She really is one of a kind.
Um, well, in many cases, in order to upgrade, you need to turn in an old phone. You can’t do that if it’s been vaporized, and you’d have to pay full price.
Where the heck do you upgrade by turning in the old phone? I have to pay full price in any case, I have to go sell my old phones on Gazelle.
I’ve seen advertisements that give you a discount if you trade in an old phone (on a different network) — or you can buy a contract that has an annual upgrade built in. But. whatever works for you.
don’t believe the ads… usually you get much more to sell it… a VERY small amount of phones are worth recycling, far better to give it a ‘new life’ with a family not as rich..
depends. If it’s like an AT&T plan, you are elligble to upgrade after so many payments, if you turn in the phone you presently have. if you’ve paid the whole thing off, you’re simply eligible for a new plan.
Too bad all my recent upgrades have been because my phone finally fritzed.
There is NO way my two rodents would THINK of destroying their phones before the new one was up, running, and logged into Instagram and iMessage.
When the daughter forgets her spare battery she starts having the DTs.
her sister can and will fight back. we don’t know about Lucy’s
She is a minor without her own income. Her mom bought her that phone, and if she vaporizes it, she shouldn’t reasonably expect to get another one for a good long time.
…Because Kath is an awesome mother, that’s why.
On the other hand, don’t give her any ideas — she could simply use the library transport system to walk over to Tokyo, and beat on her sister with a rock or other blunt instrument.
It would be more appropriate if Castel beat her with the phone. A message like that can’t be shoved into voice-mail…
Wait, how did she get from the Gilchrist home to Punk Yoga between the last update and this one?
In the first panel of the strip, it looks as if she is outside, walking. With great resolve and determination, no less.
That the rooftop garden area on their converted warehouse home.
the first panel seems to imply she’s walking thru a park or other green location… ?
Yeah, but in her normal state. With her eyestalks out.
Still, Castela did well.
I think Minnearctolis has a lot of green space…
I just assume we cut to her being there, and she told Lucy what happened.
Boom! And Luci humanises Castela, just like that. *snaps fingers*
Are they in a special room where she can release her vaporizing ray without destroying anything? I cannot recall if they set that up for her when she started working with Luci…
So what did she vaporize? The book Katherine was getting her dumb puns out of?
Oh, there is no book involved. That sort of technique is taught, verbally, at the special “How To Embarrass Your Teen-age Children” classes that most school districts offer these days. The advanced courses involved coaching in parental PDA (ideally exhibited when the kids’ friends are visiting).
Nobody actually believes the lame cover story about “parent-teacher conferences,” do they?
Wait, did Luci just manifest special porting ability? o_O
Stela looks like she was stopped while in the middle of warming her hand up
I think the scene change means Castela was telling Luci abut it after the fact
What is this? Game of Phones?
No sisters, Luci? Only child, or brothers?