Didn’t you know? Cats have gravity magic. They can change how severely gravity effects them. I have witnessed my own fuzzy mistress make her normally 15 pound self heavy enough that I could not lift her from my lap, as well as often seeing her levitate over obstacles as though she weighed no more than a feather.
As an eldritch I am guessing that is an octopus or squid like C’thulu is explained to be. But I still wonder how she is built. She definitely has a flesh and blood external body but how does her face work in cooperation with the rest of her.
…I think there’s a connection to Hammerspace involved, or some similar non-Euclidian volume, given what was expressed on the school roof, and her having to stop and reel it back in afterward.
Re: txmystic: For some reason that makes me wonder about their child’s religion. Mostly it goes by the faith of the mother. A lot of these eldritch beings are the objects of worship, but I wouldn’t know whether the eldritch being herself would be of that faith.
“I think if we drink enough Moutai we can solve anything.” (Henry Kissinger)
“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.” (Chemists’ saying}
“It is always one’s virtues and not one’s vices that precipitate one into disaster.” (Rebecca West)
Margaritas are made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. Lime juice contains plenty of vitamin C {it is healthy for you, and hence a virtue) but vitamin C is mostly insoluble in alcohol… so it’s a virtuous precipitate, and will precipitate disaster for Valerie.
She’s have been fine if they just made her margarita with Moutai instead of lime juice… but then it wouldn’t have smelled or tasted so good. More like a gasoline spill in a barnyard, in fact.
Still suspecting that there’s going to be a monumental key-rasssh when the CH3CH2OH burns off…
“Make that damn’ cat quit stompin’ its feet, will ya?”
It’s truly amazing how loudly a peeved 8-pound cat can stomp when s/he is really peeved . . .
Didn’t you know? Cats have gravity magic. They can change how severely gravity effects them. I have witnessed my own fuzzy mistress make her normally 15 pound self heavy enough that I could not lift her from my lap, as well as often seeing her levitate over obstacles as though she weighed no more than a feather.
Feline Variable Mass. I believe it is related to Feline Selective Deafness.
Did she even drink the entire margarita?
Is this the first time we’ve seen that Valerie has a beak like an octopus or a squid?
As an eldritch I am guessing that is an octopus or squid like C’thulu is explained to be. But I still wonder how she is built. She definitely has a flesh and blood external body but how does her face work in cooperation with the rest of her.
…I think there’s a connection to Hammerspace involved, or some similar non-Euclidian volume, given what was expressed on the school roof, and her having to stop and reel it back in afterward.
Have we ever been told exactly what kind of paranormal Valerie is?
From Paul Sept. 29:
“Valerie? Her mom is an eldritch being and her dad is human.”
Re: txmystic: For some reason that makes me wonder about their child’s religion. Mostly it goes by the faith of the mother. A lot of these eldritch beings are the objects of worship, but I wouldn’t know whether the eldritch being herself would be of that faith.
Margaritas or no, I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Which is how her mom and dad first got together.
… let’s get her properly drunk and pull out cards against humanity! XD
It seems that even Nadette isn’t immune to Wapsiverse Cosmic Expansion. She’s wearing mammal bumps today. (Nice to see her – one of my favorites.)
We’ve seen her with more-or-less boobage before! Being a shapeshifter must be great. I can’t believe it’s been five years since we last saw her!
“Alcohol: the Cause Of and Solution To the World’s Problems.”
“I think if we drink enough Moutai we can solve anything.” (Henry Kissinger)
“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate.” (Chemists’ saying}
“It is always one’s virtues and not one’s vices that precipitate one into disaster.” (Rebecca West)
Margaritas are made with tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. Lime juice contains plenty of vitamin C {it is healthy for you, and hence a virtue) but vitamin C is mostly insoluble in alcohol… so it’s a virtuous precipitate, and will precipitate disaster for Valerie.
She’s have been fine if they just made her margarita with Moutai instead of lime juice… but then it wouldn’t have smelled or tasted so good. More like a gasoline spill in a barnyard, in fact.
As the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett once said, “There are better things in life than alcohol. Alcohol makes up for not having them.”
I love Atsali’s expression in the last panel.
The more panels I see of Valerie’s “face” the more questions I have about how she even works.
Likely what we perceive of Valerie in four dimensions extends beyond into several others.
Sits at her desk eight hours a day and does clerical stuff?
Yay! They’re back! I’ve missed them (*sniff*). Meanwhile, is it possible that Valerie is remotely related to Flerkins?
they’re having fun, what could go wrong? ~<3
I see Val’s uncle is the Sarlacc.
That’s just what I was thinking!!