I think that Tina looks the same compared to Monica as she usually does. The top of her head is normally just above Tina’s shoulder. Compare here and note that Monica is wearing a hat.
Look at the image you linked, taking special note of the breadth of Tina’s hips and shoulders – then look at this pic again.
Probably not library-related, you’re right, but she DOES seem to be out of her usual proportions. Her height, as you noted, doesn’t seem different. I think I thought M was taller than she actually is.
I agree with unusually thick arms and legs on Tina and also agree she doesn’t looks as painfully thin as she sometimes does. I was taking the think legs in the top frame to be a matter of exaggerated perspective. There also can be some variation in the way the characters get drawn. Tina’s lower left arm is much thicker than her right in the top frame, for example.
Since people aren’t clicking on “cast” I doubt they would click there, either. That would be the place to put it, I just don’t think it would do much good.
What people may be forgetting is that one of them may be wearing high heeled shoes, like 4″ heels, and the other one flats while working in a coffee shop. Monica wearing the heels obviously because she’s short. But when off, is shorter.
I don’t think that Tina looks unusually tall compared to Monica, but the angle makes her look huge relative to the building and to us. We are looking way up at her. That’s probably why people are noticing Tina’s height today, I suppose.
Another matter could be that we tend to follow large, tall people and expect small people to be led. (If you want to get ahead in business, be tall.) In this case, the short person is definitely the leader and the tall one is the follower, which might seem odd. I wonder, more generally, if that’s why people tend to mention height in the comments here where the main character is the shortest, but isn’t just the butt of jokes. (In Andy Capp, for example, it’s done for humor.) Perhaps people mention height more wrt other comics than I realize though.
You know, I didn’t think of that. I was just registering Monica’s annoyance. But Monica is a person of consequence in this game, isn’t she? And she has potent allies.
IIRC, in the last interview or perhaps in the comments when Doubt tweaked Monica’s nose, Paul hinted that Monica would become rattled and Doubt would become stronger in the future. This may be part of that.
It’s been bizarre that we haven’t seen Monica using the library since the previous arc and nothing seemed to come of Amanda or the portal annex. What happened the last two weeks will make Monica want to avoid the library now, but I don’t know if the library matters anymore.
It should matter…there was Tina 1.0’s diary written in shorthand and its implications for Jin’s condition, and something regarding Celtic crosses that will hopefully get more explanation…
Monica didn’t seem to want to use the library wrt the Celtic crosses. It was as if she thought she had all the resources she needed already at the museum.
Jin’s problem needs resolving, but I’m not sure what resources Monica will use to resolve it. It may not even be her choice to make. The last couple weeks may have been about setting up the library, Phix and/or Nudge for the roles they will play in the future or it might have amounted to writing them out of the story. I don’t know which it will be.
Shelly, Monica and Tina already agreed to work on Jin’s problem. Bud, Amanda and Jin are also involved to some extent. There was foreshadowing involving Katherine, too. I suspect that Phix and Nudge might make things too complicated. If Tina’s diaries are important, Monica could get them directly from Tina and might not need the library for anything.
People have talked about Phix and Nudge starring in their own sitcom. It reminded me of characters being spun off from the main show. Phix and Nudge also reminded me of Owen and Lakshimi and to a lesser extent Heather and her friend. For a while I’ve suspected that Nudge might have been a cool idea that didn’t work out quite as well as Paul had hoped and I think it might be hard to figure out what to do with Phix. (The problem with Phix is that she knows so much, so why doesn’t she explain everything that Monica needs to know or try to solve everything herself.) Of course, Paul may have already figured out solutions to those problems, so I don’t know what’s going to happen. Also, characters have suddenly reappeared, too, so even if they are gone for a while, that doesn’t mean they won’t come back.
My conclusion is that we will just have to wait and see what happens. (Wow! What an insight! )
heh, she may be annoyed, but phix had to do it, for the greater good…
Just like you have to withstand bitchy comments, and ‘I never wanna see you again’ from a drunken friend who you have just ‘hidden the keys’ to stop them driving home……
I don’t think that’s what she is annoyed at. It’s the way Phix did it and the way Phix and Nudge behaved afterward. Both Phix and Nudge acted very childish. Both of them claimed that they were motivated to do the right thing, but neither of them cared much about how much harm they were doing in the process. Even Phix’s apology to Tina seemed to be for taking so long to get Nudge, not for traumatizing Tina when she got her.
Yeah, Monica is duly, righteously annoyed, but I think Phix’s apology was for the grab and punch. Her body language (getting down to Tina’s level, etc) and choice of words all indicate that to me.
Well, she wanted to scare the poo out of Tina the first time she met her and was satisfied when she did. (BTW, that’s an expression I don’t hear very often.) I agree that it was a sincere apology this time and that she didn’t want to make matters worse, but it was already too late to worry about whether she would scare Tina by then. I’m not sure her body language could have been any different if she wanted to get Tina’s attention without physically abusing her. Tina wasn’t going to look up at her.
Anyone else would have been apologizing for frightening Tina in that situation, but I’m not sure that Tina is enough like everyone else to draw that conclusion. After all, there is a predator / prey relationship there.
Greater good or not, Monica has already shown herself to be protective of Tina (created a bit of a row with Bud over it once). Phix scared Tina, and Nudge used Tina. Monica will be giving both of them the stink eye for a while.
Ah, poiting off into the sunset. A Friday comic which is not a cliffhanger. Even a wrapup to the latest events. Amazing. Not that there aren’t a multitude of unanswered questions lingering about. Alls well that ends well. Phix and Nudge are off to star in the newest Odd Couple remake. Tina is free of Nudge’s irratic behavior, and Monica … well, Monica is a bit wiser and a bit more hardened in her world view. I think only Nudge is actually happy at this point.
It would have been funny to see a couple of dialog baloons from the direction of Phix and Nudge as Monica poited out.
“OK, let GO of me you long horned, hairy assed vermin!!”
“But, I loooove you, Phixie!” BONK!! *stars and horseshoe*
I’d bet that Tina’s feeling pretty good (if not happy). She may have to get used to the feeling of No Nudge, but lighter in a good way is bound to feel nice.
You know how “good” Monica is a poit’ing to and from the Library. And we all know how graceful Tina is when traveling. This landing is going to be epic! Now I’ll have to wait until Monday to see it.
I think Monica is keeping it together for Tina’s sake, but I think she will be the one who will be the most rattled by this. Tina was the one who helped Monica accept that things weren’t the way that she expected. Tina seemed to bounce back very easily most of the time. I can’t find it, but I was thinking about the time when she slipped on the ice and was happy to see that it was snowing.
Monica and Tina left from the counter of the cafe about, what, 2 minutes ago real time? Assume that Phix did this when there were no witnesses, then. Can’t assume that now. Where will Monica poit them? Basement seems safe enough, no one ever goes there but those eerie statues…
I do apologize… it was Team Misfile’s site that had your banner on it – lol, I read so many different comics now that I forget which ones lead me where!
From the class syllabus:There will be a comprehensive final. It will count as 50% of your grade. It will include identification questions and three short essay questions and one long essay question.
I keep forgetting that Monica is a pint size sex pot at 4″8 feet at the most, so when I see her next to Tina, our favorite demonic barrista naturally looks 10 ft tall in comparison LOL
Good question. The insightfulness might not be there, because usually when she was throwing out some wise quote, the text was gray – which indicated that it was Nudge talking, not the collective.
Looking back, all those “wisdom nuggets” from Tina that M even said made her feel “smart and stupid at the same time” (I’m paraphrasing – Phix cookies to whoever can find that strip – I’m too lazy to look ATM) were probably from Nudge, and probably as a result of her time as the librarian.
We’ll have to watch for gray text in the future. I thought the gray text could have been Nudge or any other demon bypassing the collective. We certainly didn’t hear much wisdom out of Nudge just now in the library, although to be fair she was being strangled half the time.
I’m also hoping for her sake that Tina didn’t loose the ability to read auras. It’s not clear why Tina would have had that ability, but IIRC none of the nonhumans seemed to think it was odd (relatively speaking) that she did. Phix seemed to approve that Tina could read hers, although Phix might have been becoming suspicious already and just not let it show. It might make an interesting story watching Tina cope without that ability, but the poor girl’s been through enough already.
*adds a point to Team Optimism’s scoreboard* That’s right folks! Sometimes you just have to believe that Pablo wouldn’t make a well loved character (who gives all sorts of wisdom to those around her) catatonic. Nor would it make sense to introduce Nudge as a separate entity who can function outside of said character’s body, only to put that entity back.
And I’m calling her an entity here because it became apparent that she wasn’t a demon like Doubt, Panic, and the others a while back. While personal demons are able to manifest outside of their host’s body, they are connected to that person/body in some way (be it job assignment or spiritual connection). Nudge was not “connected” to Tina. She just showed up that day in the morgue and stuck around.
Separate entity. Separate character. Tina gets to keep functioning.
Even the golems seem to be able to take an incorporeal form, at least for part of themselves. I assume that’s what Bud did when part of her accompanied Monica when she got the portal cloth. I suppose a very small part could have accompanied her in a separate physical form without anyone noticing, though. There is plenty of room for speculation, all right.
Speaking of golems, you might want to yank your sphinxes are golems idea out of the trashcan. It could be that a batch of golems were created as guardians and enforcers. Phix might have been created later in an attempt to create a modified version that was a little more intelligent.
I never understood why Phix was so bitter at being forced to be the librarian or why it was viewed as a punishment. The other sphinxes seem to be slaves of the library. Why would she have expected anything better?
It’s possible that the idea of Librarian = Punishment oculd have develoed over her years in the role. Perhaps her exposure to the contents of the Library expanded her understanding of free will and what-have-you, allowing her to evolve past simple “golem” mindset.
The concept the librarian = punishment seemed to exist when Nudge became the first librarian. Phix seemed to be already thinking differently than the others even before she became the librarian. I think that’s why Fatuncle threw out his theory.
But who knows? Maybe she started getting books written by radicals and started realizing how much she was being oppressed. Maybe she even went through a radical phase herself and set fire to the library a few times while yelling “Burn Baby Burn”, but since everything would have been replaced she would have eventually given up and settled down.
Is it also the equivalent of “The End”? It looks kind of bleak. There will be a fade to black. I’m not sure how much that says about the future of the library.
The whole time I kept thinking about how spooky Paul made the library building look. It might have made a great haunted house. Does anyone know what building Paul used as a model? It looks a bit like what you might get if you stuck the George Peabody Library in Baltimore on the end of another library, like the Wren Library in Cambridge, but there probably other libraries with similar architecture.
I’m wondering how Tina and Nudge will handle the split. The Collective may have some readjusting to do without horny girl doing her thing in their head. And Nudge will only have one roomie to annoy, instead of the challenge of however many she had before.
Dittos on the glad Tina is OK (I’m just glad she survived that, anything else would be (is) gravy). It’s going to be interesting to see how The Collective works without Nudge. And what will the Morning Dialogue be like without Nudge? Will Tina ever get to work on time?
i wonder why we never see any other users of the library? Are there any? If so where are they hiding? Or are they just from a different timezone? I mean it is a hidden library no doubt but i really doubt that it would be this much of a deal if the library would be just for Monika and her friends.
Milliways. I wasn’t sure if I was remembering correctly and had to look it up. The library seems a lot less fun. Maybe that’s why no one visits — everyone’s over at Milliways.
Seriously, the library existed before humans could read or write and apparently isn’t on the Earth, so who knows what it was for? It’s basically just a Big Dumb Object so far. Kind of ironic, really.
This is one of the fascinating things about Wapsi; it appears to be a small section of a much larger canvas. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of the larger picture, but this story is a very minor corner of the frame. All-important to those taking part in it, but really almost insignificant against the rest of the picture.
True, when compared to the entire universe, however, this less-than-a-speck-of-dust that is the earth had a machine that controlled the entire galaxy for tens of thousands of years. Which brings up the question, if the “Library” is so darn omnipotent, why didn’t it take care of that problem long ago? It’s not like they have a strict non-interference policy since they send out creatures fo reign in the demons all the time. Not to mention the help Phix had given to the ones who fixed it.
well, to quote the Doctor..
“its bigger on them inside” – way, way bigger, and then some… it does not ‘exist’ on this ‘spec’, that is only a doorway to bigger dimensions….
The Library, like the Church, tends to take a long view. When you’re going to last till the End of Time, you are more patient, and see less cost in waiting for an opportune moment.
I ended up looking it up as well. One of the Google hits pointed to a page with this:
“L. N. MAVRIDIS (ed.): Stars and the Milly Way System. Proceedings of the First European Astronomical Meeting, Volume 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,1974. XI11 + 368 Seiten. Preis geb. DM 138”
You didn’t know that Milly had a galaxy named after her? Actually, it’s shocking how many dots that we can see in the sky that are really entire galaxies. Then there are all the ones that we can’t see.
Yes it is, but pretty much only with the aid of lenses. There are two that can faintly be seen with the unaided eye. One of them is on a collision course with the Milky Way. Still, there are billions of galaxies out there, with billions of stars, which is just staggering beyond belief.
We do, however, make a direct connection with them and all the stars whose light hits the earth. Even though those photons have traveled for, perhaps, millions, even billions of years, when one of those photons hits your eye (whether it registers or not) you just made a direct connection with that object. From the moment that photon left the star/galaxy/whatever, it’s destiny was to hit your eye. That’s about as personal as it gets and is pretty amazing to me.
Also: I wish people would stop saying ‘Ohmigod that character is huge!’ everytime they are with Monica…
Everyone is forgetting that M is a short little thing that is lucky if she’s anywhere near 5’3″. The only thing large about Monica is her… assets. She’s a tiny little girl and it’s not right to assume everyone else has grown huge when they are alone in a shot with her.
All I can say is ewwwww! And when they start bringing on two males dancing, double the ewwwww factor! That aside, yeah, she’d kinda fit as Monica. Still, we don’t know how short she really is. The other woman could be quite tall.
hmm, that looks rather average … (you do mean the DWTS clip??) she looks much taller than Monica!!
I think M is more like a mix of Dolly Parton and Edith Piaf (for assets and height.. )
Edith Piaf was 4’8”, and reports of Dolly’s ‘size’ varies between 36 & 44 DD!! (not natural, like M’s though..:D)
My favourite Dolly Parton story was Mel Tillis on “Tonight” – “Oh – look – there’s Dolly Parton in the audience!” (Pause while people look around) “No, my mistake – it’s two bald men sitting next to each other.”
Monica, if I didn’t know that you need physical contact to poit somone along with you, I would be VERY upset at the posessive way you’ve got your arm around Tina. Holding Tina posessively is MY job
Yeah! Tina’s alive!
Glad to see Tina up and well. And I am not too surprised that Monica is annoyed.
Is Monica as annoyed as she is mothering and possessive right now?
She’s pissed. She’s been pissed the entire time. She’s trying to not act like Phix and Nudge, though.
Whoa…Tina’s tall…
I wonder if she’ll forego the anchovies now when she gets pizza…
Tina is one of the taller cast members, as i recall.
Paul really needs to do a lineup page with the major characters standing in front of a set of height markers.
That’s not just taller. She’s a head-and-a-half taller than M now. She doesn’t look taller, either – she looks BIGGER
It looks more like, while in the library, Tina gets some of Phix’s over-sizedness.
I think that Tina looks the same compared to Monica as she usually does. The top of her head is normally just above Tina’s shoulder. Compare here and note that Monica is wearing a hat.
Look at the image you linked, taking special note of the breadth of Tina’s hips and shoulders – then look at this pic again.
Probably not library-related, you’re right, but she DOES seem to be out of her usual proportions. Her height, as you noted, doesn’t seem different. I think I thought M was taller than she actually is.
Looking over the strip again . . . her arms and legs also seem bigger to me, in this strip, than M’s, rather than just longer.
I agree with unusually thick arms and legs on Tina and also agree she doesn’t looks as painfully thin as she sometimes does. I was taking the think legs in the top frame to be a matter of exaggerated perspective. There also can be some variation in the way the characters get drawn. Tina’s lower left arm is much thicker than her right in the top frame, for example.
It would have to be a banner directly under the comic to do any good. People keep forgetting. It’s funny what a big deal it is here.
well how about ‘projects, Illustrations’ surely that is the right place for a ‘team lineup’ ??
Since people aren’t clicking on “cast” I doubt they would click there, either. That would be the place to put it, I just don’t think it would do much good.
Heh, speaking of Projects / Illustrations, when Phix yelled “Tag Nudge! You’re It”, we should have thought of this one.
That would make a great Voting Incentive!
If he does that, I’d want bust measurements to boot.
But I’m a guy and I think that way.
Meh…I’m a female, and I’d be curious, too.
Vorlonagent: look at the Illustrations, you may be surprised…..
What people may be forgetting is that one of them may be wearing high heeled shoes, like 4″ heels, and the other one flats while working in a coffee shop. Monica wearing the heels obviously because she’s short. But when off, is shorter.
Actually, i think that we’ve seen Tina in something like cowboy boots with significant heels while at work.
I don’t think that Tina looks unusually tall compared to Monica, but the angle makes her look huge relative to the building and to us. We are looking way up at her. That’s probably why people are noticing Tina’s height today, I suppose.
Another matter could be that we tend to follow large, tall people and expect small people to be led. (If you want to get ahead in business, be tall.) In this case, the short person is definitely the leader and the tall one is the follower, which might seem odd. I wonder, more generally, if that’s why people tend to mention height in the comments here where the main character is the shortest, but isn’t just the butt of jokes. (In Andy Capp, for example, it’s done for humor.) Perhaps people mention height more wrt other comics than I realize though.
Monica is annoyed.
Phix and Nudge both would do well to take note.
You know, I didn’t think of that. I was just registering Monica’s annoyance. But Monica is a person of consequence in this game, isn’t she? And she has potent allies.
Unless Monica’s personality changes, she’ll just avoid people who annoy her. If she throws a hissy fit, Brandi or Bud would just calm her down.
IIRC, in the last interview or perhaps in the comments when Doubt tweaked Monica’s nose, Paul hinted that Monica would become rattled and Doubt would become stronger in the future. This may be part of that.
It’s been bizarre that we haven’t seen Monica using the library since the previous arc and nothing seemed to come of Amanda or the portal annex. What happened the last two weeks will make Monica want to avoid the library now, but I don’t know if the library matters anymore.
It should matter…there was Tina 1.0’s diary written in shorthand and its implications for Jin’s condition, and something regarding Celtic crosses that will hopefully get more explanation…
Monica didn’t seem to want to use the library wrt the Celtic crosses. It was as if she thought she had all the resources she needed already at the museum.
Jin’s problem needs resolving, but I’m not sure what resources Monica will use to resolve it. It may not even be her choice to make. The last couple weeks may have been about setting up the library, Phix and/or Nudge for the roles they will play in the future or it might have amounted to writing them out of the story. I don’t know which it will be.
Shelly, Monica and Tina already agreed to work on Jin’s problem. Bud, Amanda and Jin are also involved to some extent. There was foreshadowing involving Katherine, too. I suspect that Phix and Nudge might make things too complicated. If Tina’s diaries are important, Monica could get them directly from Tina and might not need the library for anything.
People have talked about Phix and Nudge starring in their own sitcom. It reminded me of characters being spun off from the main show. Phix and Nudge also reminded me of Owen and Lakshimi and to a lesser extent Heather and her friend. For a while I’ve suspected that Nudge might have been a cool idea that didn’t work out quite as well as Paul had hoped and I think it might be hard to figure out what to do with Phix. (The problem with Phix is that she knows so much, so why doesn’t she explain everything that Monica needs to know or try to solve everything herself.) Of course, Paul may have already figured out solutions to those problems, so I don’t know what’s going to happen. Also, characters have suddenly reappeared, too, so even if they are gone for a while, that doesn’t mean they won’t come back.
My conclusion is that we will just have to wait and see what happens. (Wow! What an insight!
Hmm, Katherine is more involved than I remembered. Ironic, given that she is schizophrenic, herself.
heh, she may be annoyed, but phix had to do it, for the greater good…
Just like you have to withstand bitchy comments, and ‘I never wanna see you again’ from a drunken friend who you have just ‘hidden the keys’ to stop them driving home……
I don’t think that’s what she is annoyed at. It’s the way Phix did it and the way Phix and Nudge behaved afterward. Both Phix and Nudge acted very childish. Both of them claimed that they were motivated to do the right thing, but neither of them cared much about how much harm they were doing in the process. Even Phix’s apology to Tina seemed to be for taking so long to get Nudge, not for traumatizing Tina when she got her.
Yeah, Monica is duly, righteously annoyed, but I think Phix’s apology was for the grab and punch. Her body language (getting down to Tina’s level, etc) and choice of words all indicate that to me.
*nodsnods* The body language was that of someone who truly cared about not scaring the poo out of a person who was traumatized.
Well, she wanted to scare the poo out of Tina the first time she met her and was satisfied when she did. (BTW, that’s an expression I don’t hear very often.) I agree that it was a sincere apology this time and that she didn’t want to make matters worse, but it was already too late to worry about whether she would scare Tina by then. I’m not sure her body language could have been any different if she wanted to get Tina’s attention without physically abusing her. Tina wasn’t going to look up at her.
Anyone else would have been apologizing for frightening Tina in that situation, but I’m not sure that Tina is enough like everyone else to draw that conclusion. After all, there is a predator / prey relationship there.
Greater good or not, Monica has already shown herself to be protective of Tina (created a bit of a row with Bud over it once). Phix scared Tina, and Nudge used Tina. Monica will be giving both of them the stink eye for a while.
Yeah, and there’s also payback for the white chocolate mocha…
Which seems a crying shame since white chocolate mochas are one of the tastier coffee creations out there…
…. as tina and Monica poit into the middle of her shop on top of a bunch of tables and nearly kill themselves… (monica’s poit issues are so fun)
Good to see Tina up and active…. this will be interesting. I’m glad my prediction from a few days ago is wrong.
Instructions on how to Poit with a passenger.
1 Grab traveling companion around waist.
2 Press Breast into companion’s hip.
…..what was I saying??
Word .
Rawr !
Ah, poiting off into the sunset. A Friday comic which is not a cliffhanger. Even a wrapup to the latest events. Amazing. Not that there aren’t a multitude of unanswered questions lingering about. Alls well that ends well. Phix and Nudge are off to star in the newest Odd Couple remake. Tina is free of Nudge’s irratic behavior, and Monica … well, Monica is a bit wiser and a bit more hardened in her world view. I think only Nudge is actually happy at this point.
It would have been funny to see a couple of dialog baloons from the direction of Phix and Nudge as Monica poited out.
“OK, let GO of me you long horned, hairy assed vermin!!”
“But, I loooove you, Phixie!”
BONK!! *stars and horseshoe*
Unless they poit land into a herd of mennonites…
I’d bet that Tina’s feeling pretty good (if not happy).
She may have to get used to the feeling of No Nudge, but lighter in a good way is bound to feel nice.
Oh…and I agree…it would have been fun to see a few speech bubbles from Phix and Nudge post-poit.
Who knows? Perhaps POV will stay with Phix and Nudge next week, instead of following Tina and Monica.
Whaddya mean no cliffhanger?
You know how “good” Monica is a poit’ing to and from the Library. And we all know how graceful Tina is when traveling. This landing is going to be epic! Now I’ll have to wait until Monday to see it.
M’s gotten better at poiting. In fact, she seems to do better when she’s “carrying” someone.
Well, Phix has no room to call Nudge hairy assed, considering Phix’s true form.
Tina: “This will take some getting use to.”
Monica: “Let’s leave these two to get better aquainted.”
Tina: “Works for me. French Press?”
I like seeing Monica be protective. Poor Tina seems rather out of it, and who can blame her.
Actually, she seems remarkably calm and collected to me.
Often followed by hysteria when the numbness wears off.
On the part of Monica, I suspect.
I think Monica is keeping it together for Tina’s sake, but I think she will be the one who will be the most rattled by this. Tina was the one who helped Monica accept that things weren’t the way that she expected. Tina seemed to bounce back very easily most of the time. I can’t find it, but I was thinking about the time when she slipped on the ice and was happy to see that it was snowing.
I believe this is the comic you were looking for.
It pre-dates the naming system in the archives, so it can be hard to find. I’ve bookmarked it though since I love it so much.
Yep, sure was. Thanks. :=)
Monica and Tina left from the counter of the cafe about, what, 2 minutes ago real time? Assume that Phix did this when there were no witnesses, then. Can’t assume that now. Where will Monica poit them? Basement seems safe enough, no one ever goes there but those eerie statues…
Speaking of which, it was Día de los Muertos this week.
I pointed that out a few days ago, thanks.
It took me 3 days… but I’ve read EVERY Wapsi Square from start to now… you can thank the Questionable Content comic for sending me here
I do apologize… it was Team Misfile’s site that had your banner on it – lol, I read so many different comics now that I forget which ones lead me where!
I hope that you enjoyed the read!
My God, you read the entire story from the beginning i in three days?!? It took me over a month!
Of course, I was taking notes.
Didn’t take ME that long. But then again, I came in a longer time ago.
I think i came in not long after the incident at the biker bar.
From the class syllabus:There will be a comprehensive final. It will count as 50% of your grade. It will include identification questions and three short essay questions and one long essay question.
P.S. Don’t forget your bluebooks.
And number 2 pencils.
This better come in cliff notes…
I keep forgetting that Monica is a pint size sex pot at 4″8 feet at the most, so when I see her next to Tina, our favorite demonic barrista naturally looks 10 ft tall in comparison LOL
that always throws me off for a sec LOL
god I love reading this comic!! XD
Monica is a couple of inches taller than that, but yes, Tina is a full head taller.
Oooh M looks annoyed.
I wonder if Tina’s advice is going to be up to the same level now that Nudge has “left the building”?
Well, considering that the majority of it came from the Collective, of which Nudge was only a part … probably.
Thinkin’ the same. Hopin’ so – I think she was awesome. Still do. And now I have a whole ‘nother character to love. Wins all the way ’round!
Yeah , I hope she’s still the Tina I love .
Good question. The insightfulness might not be there, because usually when she was throwing out some wise quote, the text was gray – which indicated that it was Nudge talking, not the collective.
Looking back, all those “wisdom nuggets” from Tina that M even said made her feel “smart and stupid at the same time” (I’m paraphrasing – Phix cookies to whoever can find that strip – I’m too lazy to look ATM) were probably from Nudge, and probably as a result of her time as the librarian.
We’ll have to watch for gray text in the future. I thought the gray text could have been Nudge or any other demon bypassing the collective. We certainly didn’t hear much wisdom out of Nudge just now in the library, although to be fair she was being strangled half the time.
I’m also hoping for her sake that Tina didn’t loose the ability to read auras. It’s not clear why Tina would have had that ability, but IIRC none of the nonhumans seemed to think it was odd (relatively speaking) that she did. Phix seemed to approve that Tina could read hers, although Phix might have been becoming suspicious already and just not let it show. It might make an interesting story watching Tina cope without that ability, but the poor girl’s been through enough already.
Auras would be a spiritual manifestation, and Tina being as she is, I would not think that her ability to sense them would go away.
Ohh, Tina has a nice bum.
Doesn’t the library have a door now?
An annex into WapsiWorld?
Yes, theoretically. M hasn’t tried it yet.
And I just realized that this was Tina’s first visit to the Library.
And probably her last.
And we have yet to see the Annex!
I wonder what tone of voice Monica used when she said “ladies”. The quotes make it look as if there was some sarcasm.
Well, this doesn’t seem like it’s going to end with Monica waking up in bed or Jin realizing that she was hallucinating.
Aww, well I’m glad Tina’s okay. ^^
Que the landing, in some awkward, sexually suggestive, position in 3…2…1…
Right when Kevin steps into the shop to buy coffee, too (because an audience is always more fun…)
Ah, yes – the Roger Rabbit Axiom – “Only when it’s funny!”
*adds a point to Team Optimism’s scoreboard* That’s right folks! Sometimes you just have to believe that Pablo wouldn’t make a well loved character (who gives all sorts of wisdom to those around her) catatonic. Nor would it make sense to introduce Nudge as a separate entity who can function outside of said character’s body, only to put that entity back.
And I’m calling her an entity here because it became apparent that she wasn’t a demon like Doubt, Panic, and the others a while back. While personal demons are able to manifest outside of their host’s body, they are connected to that person/body in some way (be it job assignment or spiritual connection). Nudge was not “connected” to Tina. She just showed up that day in the morgue and stuck around.
Separate entity. Separate character. Tina gets to keep functioning.
Just “what else” Nudge may be is subject for speculation, though — she did “inhabit” Tina, after the fashion of a non-material being …
Even the golems seem to be able to take an incorporeal form, at least for part of themselves. I assume that’s what Bud did when part of her accompanied Monica when she got the portal cloth. I suppose a very small part could have accompanied her in a separate physical form without anyone noticing, though. There is plenty of room for speculation, all right.
Speaking of golems, you might want to yank your sphinxes are golems idea out of the trashcan. It could be that a batch of golems were created as guardians and enforcers. Phix might have been created later in an attempt to create a modified version that was a little more intelligent.
I never understood why Phix was so bitter at being forced to be the librarian or why it was viewed as a punishment. The other sphinxes seem to be slaves of the library. Why would she have expected anything better?
It’s possible that the idea of Librarian = Punishment oculd have develoed over her years in the role. Perhaps her exposure to the contents of the Library expanded her understanding of free will and what-have-you, allowing her to evolve past simple “golem” mindset.
The concept the librarian = punishment seemed to exist when Nudge became the first librarian. Phix seemed to be already thinking differently than the others even before she became the librarian. I think that’s why Fatuncle threw out his theory.
But who knows? Maybe she started getting books written by radicals and started realizing how much she was being oppressed. Maybe she even went through a radical phase herself and set fire to the library a few times while yelling “Burn Baby Burn”, but since everything would have been replaced she would have eventually given up and settled down.
A Poit so strong it needs its own panel.
The equivalent of a slammed door.
Is it also the equivalent of “The End”? It looks kind of bleak. There will be a fade to black. I’m not sure how much that says about the future of the library.
The whole time I kept thinking about how spooky Paul made the library building look. It might have made a great haunted house. Does anyone know what building Paul used as a model? It looks a bit like what you might get if you stuck the George Peabody Library in Baltimore on the end of another library, like the Wren Library in Cambridge, but there probably other libraries with similar architecture.
I’m wondering how Tina and Nudge will handle the split. The Collective may have some readjusting to do without horny girl doing her thing in their head. And Nudge will only have one roomie to annoy, instead of the challenge of however many she had before.
Dittos on the glad Tina is OK (I’m just glad she survived that, anything else would be (is) gravy). It’s going to be interesting to see how The Collective works without Nudge. And what will the Morning Dialogue be like without Nudge? Will Tina ever get to work on time?
i wonder why we never see any other users of the library? Are there any? If so where are they hiding? Or are they just from a different timezone?
I mean it is a hidden library no doubt but i really doubt that it would be this much of a deal if the library would be just for Monika and her friends.
Think Milly Way’s.
Milliways. I wasn’t sure if I was remembering correctly and had to look it up. The library seems a lot less fun. Maybe that’s why no one visits — everyone’s over at Milliways.
Seriously, the library existed before humans could read or write and apparently isn’t on the Earth, so who knows what it was for? It’s basically just a Big Dumb Object so far. Kind of ironic, really.
Carefull what you call things that have BIG THUNDERING VOICES!
This is one of the fascinating things about Wapsi; it appears to be a small section of a much larger canvas. Sometimes we catch a glimpse of the larger picture, but this story is a very minor corner of the frame. All-important to those taking part in it, but really almost insignificant against the rest of the picture.
True, when compared to the entire universe, however, this less-than-a-speck-of-dust that is the earth had a machine that controlled the entire galaxy for tens of thousands of years. Which brings up the question, if the “Library” is so darn omnipotent, why didn’t it take care of that problem long ago? It’s not like they have a strict non-interference policy since they send out creatures fo reign in the demons all the time. Not to mention the help Phix had given to the ones who fixed it.
well, to quote the Doctor..
“its bigger on them inside” – way, way bigger, and then some… it does not ‘exist’ on this ‘spec’, that is only a doorway to bigger dimensions….
The Library, like the Church, tends to take a long view. When you’re going to last till the End of Time, you are more patient, and see less cost in waiting for an opportune moment.
I ended up looking it up as well. One of the Google hits pointed to a page with this:
“L. N. MAVRIDIS (ed.): Stars and the Milly Way System. Proceedings of the First European Astronomical Meeting, Volume 2. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York,1974. XI11 + 368 Seiten. Preis geb. DM 138”
You didn’t know that Milly had a galaxy named after her? Actually, it’s shocking how many dots that we can see in the sky that are really entire galaxies. Then there are all the ones that we can’t see.
Yes it is, but pretty much only with the aid of lenses. There are two that can faintly be seen with the unaided eye. One of them is on a collision course with the Milky Way. Still, there are billions of galaxies out there, with billions of stars, which is just staggering beyond belief.
We do, however, make a direct connection with them and all the stars whose light hits the earth. Even though those photons have traveled for, perhaps, millions, even billions of years, when one of those photons hits your eye (whether it registers or not) you just made a direct connection with that object. From the moment that photon left the star/galaxy/whatever, it’s destiny was to hit your eye. That’s about as personal as it gets and is pretty amazing to me.
Never link to TV tropes without a warning! It is a trap!!!!
Is it OK if I just provide a link to this warning? *whistles*
Or maybe Callahan’s.
And…. subject switch in 2 days.
Also: I wish people would stop saying ‘Ohmigod that character is huge!’ everytime they are with Monica…
Everyone is forgetting that M is a short little thing that is lucky if she’s anywhere near 5’3″. The only thing large about Monica is her… assets. She’s a tiny little girl and it’s not right to assume everyone else has grown huge when they are alone in a shot with her.
Whoa! Short, with serious boobage.
Check out the girl red in this video – have we found out Monica?
All I can say is ewwwww! And when they start bringing on two males dancing, double the ewwwww factor! That aside, yeah, she’d kinda fit as Monica. Still, we don’t know how short she really is. The other woman could be quite tall.
hmm, that looks rather average … (you do mean the DWTS clip??) she looks much taller than Monica!!
I think M is more like a mix of Dolly Parton and Edith Piaf (for assets and height..
Edith Piaf was 4’8”, and reports of Dolly’s ‘size’ varies between 36 & 44 DD!! (not natural, like M’s though..:D)
found a more ‘reliable’ source..
I believe that what’s there is all Dolly.
So she’s five foot even.
Which makes them look … large.
My favourite Dolly Parton story was Mel Tillis on “Tonight” – “Oh – look – there’s Dolly Parton in the audience!” (Pause while people look around) “No, my mistake – it’s two bald men sitting next to each other.”
“Dolly Parton’s greatest hits” ..
say it quickly…..
hmm, that link was mangled.. (for C & P even!!)
http://www.astrotheme.com/heights/ and click th links…
Monica, if I didn’t know that you need physical contact to poit somone along with you, I would be VERY upset at the posessive way you’ve got your arm around Tina. Holding Tina posessively is MY job
You do remember Monica poited Amanda into the middle of Lake Calhoun, without the slightest bit of physical contact between them, don’t you? =)