Hesagoodlistener by Paul Taylor on September 1, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: oblivious Related Comics ¬ Is This Normal Allgone 08/23/2002 Chalk This Up 01/30/2002
Bar tenders tend to be portrayed as being good at that.
Having worked in a bar, I can confirm it’s a useful skill in that line of work.
I feel like it’s a skill that even if you didn’t have it, you’d learn it working at a bar
it was pretty easy how darren got her to talk
he complimented her then when she was happy with that asked her straightforward questions
most people (including myself) forget the first and jump to the 2nd.
You know, if Monica were a better listener here, she might get a clue! Beautiful example of demonstrating a concept by its absence!
He’s still a teacher.
Daren being the owner of a place, which sells alcoholic drinks, must be highly regarded among the humans by the aztec god of alcohol! 😇