How Silly by Paul Taylor on February 13, 2017 at 11:38 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Conscience, TepoztecalLocation: Poseidon Resort paranormal pool, The Library Related Comics ¬ Youllberightback Thankth To You Whatdestroyedthem Does A Body Good 11/03/2004
Svimvare, Very nize…
Yeah, see? You can only make the type of self-conscious comment-…. like he did… if youze can poit yourself to Poseidon’s.
Given her givens, I would imagine that “Acting like Shelly” would actually be something of a hard habit to break.
Where is this ‘Poseidon’s’ at? And how can I get in?
It’s a paranormal-only resort somewhere in the wilds of the greater Twin-cities metropolitan area.
Owned by Devyn’s incle.
And, yes, he IS the guy withe the crown and the trideny
I see Jeff’s been hanging out with the Jägerkin, again.
Dey iz fonny guyz. Vy not?
I was recalling a commercial, that featured “Soviet” choices for womens fashions. Don’t remember what was being sold, though/
Sweetie, you ARE Shelly.
…or her demons, anyway – who represent the extremes of her personality.
See? They are more Best Buds who are comfortable with each other, the fact they are not the same gender has nothing really to do with it (just makes it a little more confusing is all)