Nothingofhistory by Paul Taylor on September 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: Cloth of Yaxchilan Related Comics ¬ 04/19/2004 Be Sure To See Me 10/22/2001 Rubber Room 12/17/2003
now that’s just mean
For someone whom believes all these phenomenon can be explained scientifically she often seems unwilling to explore such things.
its possibly more of a case of being afraid to explore things in case its real and she ends up looking like a complete nut-case
Charlie Brown, Lucy van Pelt and a football?
called it
So I take it Monica is pretty much all Spaniard with minimal Mesoamerican, and what there is isn’t Nahuatl. Since she’s from Monterrey IIRC I guess that’s possible. (The indios seem to cluster around the provinces: Oaxaca, Yucatan…)