Nothingofhistory by Paul Taylor on September 9, 2005 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: Cloth of Yaxchilan Related Comics ¬ 09/28/2004 Talkingtomyself As A Girl Aunt Monica Paying Attention
now that’s just mean
For someone whom believes all these phenomenon can be explained scientifically she often seems unwilling to explore such things.
its possibly more of a case of being afraid to explore things in case its real and she ends up looking like a complete nut-case
Charlie Brown, Lucy van Pelt and a football?
called it
So I take it Monica is pretty much all Spaniard with minimal Mesoamerican, and what there is isn’t Nahuatl. Since she’s from Monterrey IIRC I guess that’s possible. (The indios seem to cluster around the provinces: Oaxaca, Yucatan…)