Actually, it’s matching up perfectly. The problem is that Nadette is putting her own interpretation on her “vision” and that isn’t synced with reality.
…and apparently Nadette can do auto-translation from German.
Oh dear Augustin,
Augustin, Augustin,
Oh dear Augustin,
Everything is broken!
Money is gone, man is gone,
Everything, Augustin!
Oh dear Augustin,
Everything is broken!
Follow a link, follow another, and soon you end up watching twins playing the accordion while simultaneously rolling on roller skates (the twins, not me…)
It’s the same Vintage [1679,] and origins as “Ring around the Rosey” and doesn’t bear up well under literal translation. To be fair it appears to commemorate a popular Viennese Bagpiper, and Balladeer who actually SURVIVED the Plague. [which explains the upbeat tempo.]
… but according to legend was thought dead, while only dead drunk, and woke up the next day in a pit outside Vienna, where they carted all those plague victims to.
As a born Viennese it brings fond memories back for me.
‘Course our beer actually contains significant amounts of alcohol….
and the REALLY scary part: she’s started seeing visions of Atsali again… to me that means that they aren’t as close as they once were and are drifting further apart. probably as a consequence of what she stated way back in the beginning, where she can’t see visions of those she’s attracted to (not sure if i’m remembering exactly right, though).
In this case it seems to be due to the physical distance. As in, more or less the entire earth. So they’re still emotionally close, but their respective geographical locations combined with prolonged periods of not meeting in person allows Nadette to have visions regarding Atsali.
Some other proposals for drinking songs. often from students:
.Bier her, bier her, oder ich fall um, juche (my own translation: bring the beer, bring the beer, else i will fall down, yeah)
-Heute blau, morgen blau und übermorgen wieder,
ich bin dein und du bist mein und froh sind unsere Lieder
(my own translation: -today pissed, tomorrow pissed and again the other day, I am yours and you are mine and jolly our songs.)
-in München steht ein Hofbräuhaus, eins, zwei g’suffa (In munich there is a Hofbräuhaus, one, two drink up (guzzle down))
“-Heute blau, morgen blau und übermorgen wieder,
ich bin dein und du bist mein und froh sind unsere Lieder”
“Drunk last night. drunk the night before”?
How about a variation of a song since St. Martin’s day is on the 11th?
Ich sitz’ in meiner Taverne
In meiner Taverne mit dir
Da oben da fliegen die Engel
Hier Unten hier saufen wir
Mein Glas ist leer
Ich hol gleich mehr
Rabimmel rabammel rabumm
I sit in my tavern
In my tavern with you
Above the angels fly
Down here we booze
My glass is empty
I’ll go get more
Rabimmel rabammel rabumm
It’s sung to the melody of a song that children traditionally sing on the 11th November when Saint martin of Tours is remembered for not being a complete douchebag.
o nice one. I did that original St Martins thing myself with lantern and all except i cannot sing and all ask me to stop it. Since when is sharing with the poor a douchebag thing?
By the way its also the beginning of the funny season. Preparations and things for Karneval or Fasching starts. Exactly at 11:11 on 11.11.
College jobs were never this much fun. Just illegal fronts for drug dealers and illegal alien smuggling rings. I mean Italian Restaurant server and Subway Sandwich artist. Memories…
Something tells me Nadette’s reaction would be pretty much the same if Atsali were singing
(stereotypical)Country-Western songs as much as she’s singing the stuff she’s been singing at this job.
Poor Nadette, what she see and what is really going on aren’t matching up!
Actually, it’s matching up perfectly. The problem is that Nadette is putting her own interpretation on her “vision” and that isn’t synced with reality.
…and apparently Nadette can do auto-translation from German.
and the “Law of Funny” requires them to go in guns blazing to “rescue her” with much hilarity ensuing, all to find out it’s a false alarm…
And the Law of Drama requires Nadette to get angry when Atsali is having fun and not in danger like she envisioned.
Well, Skylar did say it was para-friendly.
Snorting beer stings, wife was all “Why are you foaming at the nose?”
Really? Mine would have laughed and called me a ‘dumb-ass’.
I always thought it was “Ach, du lieber Augustin…” (that was the way I learned it when I was a kid…)
Like many cultural songs, the words change depending on region and time period.
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Augustin, Augustin,
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin!
Geld ist weg, Mensch ist weg,
Alles hin, Augustin!
Ach, du lieber Augustin,
Alles ist hin!
They’re singing line 5 as ‘Geld ist weg, Mäd’l ist weg’ (Money’s gone, girlfriend’s gone). Presumably that would be grandpa’s version.
This is what I remember my grandmother singing.
Since I’m one of those monolinguistic idiots, give me a translation.
Oh dear Augustin,
Augustin, Augustin,
Oh dear Augustin,
Everything is broken!
Money is gone, man is gone,
Everything, Augustin!
Oh dear Augustin,
Everything is broken!
Reminds me of the song ‘everything is broken’ by Kenny Wayne Shepard
Don’t worry, even a trilingual guy can get lost, provided German is not one of the three languages he speaks…
(English, French, and Haitian Creole…)
For the song… For the lyrics…
Follow a link, follow another, and soon you end up watching twins playing the accordion while simultaneously rolling on roller skates (the twins, not me…)
Personally, I’m surprised this wasn’t the first version I saw linked.
This is the version I learned in first grade.
The drunk Japanese customer is cute…
funny thing, i thought it was conscience untill read who the characters shown were.
The song is Vienese, not German, and of a rather gruesome origin:
ah so the proper translation is ‘all is lost’ not ‘all is broken’
make sense now…
It’s the same Vintage [1679,] and origins as “Ring around the Rosey” and doesn’t bear up well under literal translation. To be fair it appears to commemorate a popular Viennese Bagpiper, and Balladeer who actually SURVIVED the Plague. [which explains the upbeat tempo.]
… but according to legend was thought dead, while only dead drunk, and woke up the next day in a pit outside Vienna, where they carted all those plague victims to.
As a born Viennese it brings fond memories back for me.
‘Course our beer actually contains significant amounts of alcohol….
Am best im Ottakringerdialekt gesungen! This comic needs a “love” button <3
and the REALLY scary part: she’s started seeing visions of Atsali again… to me that means that they aren’t as close as they once were and are drifting further apart. probably as a consequence of what she stated way back in the beginning, where she can’t see visions of those she’s attracted to (not sure if i’m remembering exactly right, though).
Atsali and Nadette were never close, Nadette just seems to use her for physical and emotional support
In this case it seems to be due to the physical distance. As in, more or less the entire earth. So they’re still emotionally close, but their respective geographical locations combined with prolonged periods of not meeting in person allows Nadette to have visions regarding Atsali.
Seers tend not to be able to see future’s that involve them directly. Since she is not currently in Atsali’s presence, she can get visions of her.
Good choice of a song. Better than “WEsterwald”, that i mentioned before. That one was used with marching soldiers. Too much bad german clichee.
Another Song:
“mir san die lustigen Holzhacker buam”.
Bavarian or from Alpen area too, funny and fits to “Biergarten” same as the costumes.
Some other proposals for drinking songs. often from students:
.Bier her, bier her, oder ich fall um, juche (my own translation: bring the beer, bring the beer, else i will fall down, yeah)
-Heute blau, morgen blau und übermorgen wieder,
ich bin dein und du bist mein und froh sind unsere Lieder
(my own translation: -today pissed, tomorrow pissed and again the other day, I am yours and you are mine and jolly our songs.)
-in München steht ein Hofbräuhaus, eins, zwei g’suffa (In munich there is a Hofbräuhaus, one, two drink up (guzzle down))
“-Heute blau, morgen blau und übermorgen wieder,
ich bin dein und du bist mein und froh sind unsere Lieder”
“Drunk last night. drunk the night before”?
drunk today, drunk tomorrow and drunk the next day.
blue, intoxicated, smashed. Kind of drunk but peacefull.
How about a variation of a song since St. Martin’s day is on the 11th?
Ich sitz’ in meiner Taverne
In meiner Taverne mit dir
Da oben da fliegen die Engel
Hier Unten hier saufen wir
Mein Glas ist leer
Ich hol gleich mehr
Rabimmel rabammel rabumm
I sit in my tavern
In my tavern with you
Above the angels fly
Down here we booze
My glass is empty
I’ll go get more
Rabimmel rabammel rabumm
It’s sung to the melody of a song that children traditionally sing on the 11th November when Saint martin of Tours is remembered for not being a complete douchebag.
o nice one. I did that original St Martins thing myself with lantern and all except i cannot sing and all ask me to stop it. Since when is sharing with the poor a douchebag thing?
By the way its also the beginning of the funny season. Preparations and things for Karneval or Fasching starts. Exactly at 11:11 on 11.11.
Im Himmel gibt’s kein Bier,
Drum trinken wir es hier.
Denn sind wir nicht mehr hier,
Dann trinken die andern unser Bier.
In Heaven, there is no beer.
That’s why we drink it here.
And when we are gone from here,
The others will be drinking all the beer.
Wochenend und Sonnenschein
und dann mit dir im Wald allein,
weiter brauch ich nichts zum Glücklichsein,
Wochenend und Sonnenschein.
” I’m walkin on sunshine”?
“Weekend and sunshine.” Hunt it down on YouTube—you’ll be surprised.
On second thought…
Great boygroup, destroyed by those Nazi douchebags.
College jobs were never this much fun. Just illegal fronts for drug dealers and illegal alien smuggling rings. I mean Italian Restaurant server and Subway Sandwich artist. Memories…
Just be thankful she’s not singing in Klingonese!
centaur–Give us time
(stereotypical)Country-Western songs as much as she’s singing the stuff she’s been singing at this job.
Who is that girl on Atsali’s left?