She’s Speechless by Paul Taylor on January 28, 2016 at 1:15 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Atsali, Devyn, NadetteLocation: Gryphon High Related Comics ¬ Because Cheese Puff Dust Spelled Out All Clear Schnitzelbank
Nadette trying to stifle her laughter is cute!
That’s it. Abbey and Devon are the queens of trouble making in this group.
Darn never said I could spell.
It’s nice to see Otter so perky! X°D
Atsali, you can have a quiet birthday celebration with Mom and Pickle, and a slightly more riotous one with your friends at school.
Well, there goes the anyonymity, Atsali. Little Otter wears a look of blissful unawareness so cutely…
I had to double check the characters listed myself, but that’s Devyn, not Otter.
That is, unless Devyn IS Otter.
Devyn’s nickname is Otter. =)
I’ve noticed just how hard little pickle has in keeping quiet about things. But then again, what five year old can? 😉
PIZZA!? Count me in!!!
It’s the perfect food.
Alas, Castela ruined everything for Atsali; but little Siblings will do that to you…
Is it just me who gets annoyed (ignoring the obvious plays for humour) when people take ‘silence’ for ‘agreement’, ‘consent’ or ‘permission’?
N·n·nope !
oh, devyn…
Devyn of all people should know better! …unless… Is this revenge for the movie theater invite incident?
In order for vengeance to be a factor, she’d have to know that Atsali wanted to have her birthday celebration be a private thing with her mom and sister 🤔