Either Paul is out and hasn’t checked the comments to correct the typo, or “your” refers to “land”.
This would mean Princess Bia has a country that is outside Lanthis, and will have a descendant with great hopes one day…
madkan- it does sound a bit of a typo/incorrect word sort of grammer. Maybe Paul has a bit of sore hand digits like moi. Should ‘would’ be ‘world’ or ‘your’ be ‘you’? I’m lost because I navigate by trees and there’s none to be scene/seen
it’s not World, if you substitute that then reread the sentence you get “…but your WORLD have a descendant…” and that doesn’t make sense either. but if you use “you” then it reads correctly: “…but YOU would have a descendant…” and of course the only way to have a descendant is to have kids… the only way to have them is to go to a place where there is the other half of the DNA… ie… someplace that still has living people… ergo, he has to get her out of there to someplace else… probably the new world, i’d say either Pre-Comanche, or Pre-Mexican depending on who he’s talking about, Shelly, Monica, or even Tina…
Is it conincidence that she looks a *lot* like Shelly? I suspect it isn’t. Ah… we may be in SouthAm, and the other Land is… yes, NorthAm. So it all fits.
So — this establishes the origins of the GG murderers (Bud was from the Mediterranean area, she said) as the Fertile Crescent area, and also explains the relocation of the Calendar Machine into the New World.
But who did the moving? Cue the Olmecs, stage right, in 3… 2… 1…
And your suggestion might also explain her shock in the last panel–how would you like to learn you will one day be a mother, and learn from a skeletal being at that?
To REALLY tell a browser (e.g. Firefox) to reload a page, you have to hit SHIFT + reload/F5. SHIFT + reload tells the browser to ignore any cached data and reload everything from the web site(s) again.
As a matter of fact, one theory of the Oracle at Delphi, according to Wikipedia is:
“The usual theory has been that the Pythia delivered oracles in a frenzied state induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock, and that she spoke gibberish which priests interpreted as the enigmatic prophecies preserved in Greek literature.”
I recall reading about that, in Scientific American IIRC–it was ethylene vapors?
Of course, back in the day, I did read a Terra Tarkington story where the oracle had a condition from the fumes, which she healed, and then the oracle made pronouncements like her need for a vacation. . . .
Also considering Shelly’s strength, even if she’s a Sphinx..
Makes her a more likely candidate to be the great X ? granddaughter of the Personification of Force.
They’ve got a similar nose as well, then there’s the hairstyle and colouring, especially considering that dark hair is dominant, gene wise.
Hence why Monica is a bit less likely, no excessive strength, hair colouring is different too, as are the noses.
And Jin cannot be the descendent, considering she was one of the folks, who has just torched the place.
The way these things work, it would be someone else who would set things right. And a half-Sphinx, with her own pet hybrid Demon/Soul/Conscience..
Yeah, sounds like one of those things that the Greeks used to love a la a Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and name every other half-deity the Greek Pantheon managed to spawn.
a lot can happen to a family line in 10,000 years. lol
Mon may not have the Physical strength of a sphinx but force doesn’t always have to do with brute strength. Let’s not forget Monica has survived getting shot, exploding land mines and exploding islands as well as stopping an argument or two by poiting them into free fall. (http://wapsisquare.com/comic/three-idiots/ )
M my not be strong but she has power, she’s the one in control of the GG for a reason after all.
Besides we just got off a long shelly arc and Monica hasn’t really had a major plot for a few years so she’s do.
Meh….with that much time between this conversation and the birth of one of our heroines, “family resemblance” means very little. There are a lot of generations in there were other fun traits can be introduced…like lighter hair…bigger boobs…etc.
I’m thinking more and more, Bia’s descend is Shelly. After a bit of Google-fu myself. Bia’s a personification of ‘Force’, or put another way ‘Violence’. When described that way, the fits younger Shelly to a tee. And there is the resemblance, especially given Bia in that last panel.
that would be neat but the problem I have with it being tina is she’s a demon thing. the real tina could have been but I have a hard time calling the demons a descendent of anything.
It’s time to find out what her deal is. Becky reappeared more than 10 years after her first appearance. Let’s not wait that long on Janet, who was first mentioned 10 years ago but first appeared in the cartoon linked above (unless I missed her in a crowd scene or something)!
I keep imagining her dying horribly in her innocent efforts to not screw up every previous attempt on the Calendar Machine. And never once with a line of dialogue the audience is allowed to hear.
She probably kept accidentally stealing other protagonists’ boyfriends.
Thus, Lakshmi would be too obviously a feint, so my vote is Jacqui is the descendant, and has known about everything all along.
But Janet is one of the close friends Mon was supposed to have… I feel like all three of those family trees link back to Bia here, and the only thing that changes is the order that Monica meets them.
Little typo aside, what did sibyl mean by “Land of the Crescent”? I mean, the first thing that comes to my mind is the ancient “Fertile Crescent” in what is now the Middle East, ancient Mesopotamia, land of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and all that… Which, well- that does fit, with the idea of the Lanthians, really…
Sorry, I keep getting hung up on the idea that the chimera was a creation of the Mayans for some reason, which puts them in Meso-America, not the Mediterranean/Middle East… something that was hooked into the calendar machine plotline, perhaps?
I dug this strip up for yesterday’s discussion http://wapsisquare.com/comic/nevercomestothat/
Bud is allegedly “from the Mediterranean area”, so Lanthians had some sort of centre there.
Then again, seeing the gateway rug, Lanthians could have been everywhere on the globe…
The Calendar Machine was in Meso-America, and the gateway to the Time Forest was in Ireland…
(And Stinky hangs out in the Bermuda Triangle area, so the Golem Girls used to spend time there as well…)
…I think it’s best not to ponder Geography too much, my head begins to hurt…
As a (former) geologist, I keep trying to place the swath of Golem destruction in either the Siberian Traps or the Deccan Traps, both areas where ‘supervolcanoes’ erupted for tens of thousands of years (supposedly) to provide the massive lava flows that covered huge areas. Problem is, the Siberian supervolcano occurred at the Permian/Triassic Extiction boundary (90 % of life on earth went extinct) and the Deccan supervolcano occurred at the end of the Cretaceous.
Also note that the Deccan supervolcano at theCretaceous extinction boundary also roughly corresponds time-wise with the Chicxulub asteroid impact in Yucutan – which left a (buried) ring shaped crater ofshore and a (buried) crescent-shaped trough onshore….
I don’t think anyone called it the ‘fertile crescent’ until modern times, although that is not a bad guess. It seems that the Lanthean landmass is crescent shaped, somehow. This describes Santorini after it blew up, but that was much more recent than the dates Paul has indicated for the Lanthean apocolypse.
In a lot of things I’ve read on Atlantis, the city proper is located in the center of a large crescent shaped inland in the Mediterranean Sea. The Chimera was probably made at a major temple of some sort near the city.
The other part that leads me to think that this “Crescent” is a place that no longer exists. Any time Bud’s accesent is brought up people think Greece and her responce is always that “it is Mediterranean” leading me to beleve that its a place that doesn’t exist anymore. Also when her loved ones was brought up before she responded that she states that “everyone she ever new was vaporized by her”.
Now on the other hand, the two major piece of evidence that they are describing some place in the middle east and possibley having Atlantis some where in Persian Gulf or the Arabian Sea is first that a marker was constructed to remind the world of what happened to the world. A lion facing east, as in the Sphynix, right two the “Fertal Creseant”. Secondly, the power cells that they needed for Jin, are almost exclusivly mention in Indin and Chinesse history, which if they were technology left over from Atlantis, this would be why they ended up in India.
Well, Atlantis/Lanthia is often tied to Avalon in mythology and the Goddess religion there is usually said to have painted or tattooed little crescent moons on their forehead, so maybe it’s a reference to their religion?
I think that somewhere way back it was mentioned that Maya ran off with the Calendar Machine, which is how it ended up in Meso-America…but I always have trouble keeping the oldest parts of our story timeline straight. I think that someone actually created a timeline once, so that’s probably our best bet for remembering how each piece of our puzzle ended up when/where it did.
Interesting clarification from Charon there…only “this whole land mass” was turned into obsidian. So the rest of the world was okay? I can’t remember…how was the chimera “deactivated”? Obviously some part of the world had to survive, and if it kept rampaging, no part could survive…Also it was shut down somehow, which is how it was broken into three parts.
Another thought…how long would it take a landmass turned into obsidian to recover, or is that even possible? I’m assuming that this chunk of planet eventually sank into the ocean (which would explain away the whole “our globe doesn’t have an obsidian continent” problem), but I figure one of you guys knows lots of stuff about geography.
A few thousand years would suffice to turn an all-obsidian landmass into differentiated terrain, especially in parts of the world where water freezes. The obsidian will likely have fractures, and frost wedging breaks up rock quite quickly–so quickly that Vermont granite quarries used to use it to split slabs off from the main mass.
“a few thousand” give or take another couple of thousand, I guess. Obsidian flows are generally not full of cracks. The Big Obsidian Flow in Newberry Caldera, Oregon is 1300 years old, and still pretty desolate. Ecological succession on obsidian flows is apparently dependent on lichens and mosses breaking down the crust before plants can get established, which takes longer than ecological succession on, say, the basalt lavas of Hawaii.
It is possible that the obsidian layer is only a few feet thick and prone to cracks since it was not caused by a lava flow as is the usual method of conversion but by a broiler effect like in your oven. If this is so, the land could recover in a relatively short order.
I think thats ….”YOU would have a descendent..yadda,yadda,yadda.”….and the more I look at ‘Lost Girl’ here she looks like Shelly. I guess only Paul knows and we’ll find out Friday.
Classically speaking Atlantis’s shape is not a crescent. Atlantis was first described in Plato’s Dialogues as a “great island …over… the Pillars of Heracles…greater than Libya and Asia put together” and “Towards the sea and in the centre of the island …was a …fertile plain, and near the centre…there was a low mountain…Poseidon …enclosed the mountain with rings…two of land and three of sea,” So if Lanthis is Atlantis, it would be more of a dartboard than a crescent shape.
This was my first thought, too…but as txmystic pointed out in an earlier comment, “Land of the Crescent” could be a reference to either a sigil or family name or something else…not necessarily the shape of said land.
I say it is Tina that is the descendent simply on the basis of no one would truly expect it. I mean think about it. Does anyone even know about her past other then Jin. And even that only goes so far.
We do know that Tina 1.0 was the daughter of a drug lord,. And that Tina 1.0 held the clock-key dagger that they (mastermind Brandy, Tina’s demons and Monica’s demons) needed to get into Shelly’s hands without Jin knowing about it. Which really meant they wanted Jin’s Doubt (the out of control Demon Queen) from knowing about it.
Well yeah but that is only what is already known. What I mean is what is their past that. Only Phix really could answer that question. And that is only a possibility.
…”your would”?
…I’ll assume a typo, unless I’m just dense (which has been proven to be the case at times in the past)…
Either Paul is out and hasn’t checked the comments to correct the typo, or “your” refers to “land”.
This would mean Princess Bia has a country that is outside Lanthis, and will have a descendant with great hopes one day…
That would be “yours” correctly, though…
I noticed that, and also that “weed-smoking” should really have a hyphen here. But those are minor quibbles, no?
madkan- it does sound a bit of a typo/incorrect word sort of grammer. Maybe Paul has a bit of sore hand digits like moi. Should ‘would’ be ‘world’ or ‘your’ be ‘you’? I’m lost because I navigate by trees and there’s none to be scene/seen
it’s not World, if you substitute that then reread the sentence you get “…but your WORLD have a descendant…” and that doesn’t make sense either. but if you use “you” then it reads correctly: “…but YOU would have a descendant…” and of course the only way to have a descendant is to have kids… the only way to have them is to go to a place where there is the other half of the DNA… ie… someplace that still has living people… ergo, he has to get her out of there to someplace else… probably the new world, i’d say either Pre-Comanche, or Pre-Mexican depending on who he’s talking about, Shelly, Monica, or even Tina…
Is it conincidence that she looks a *lot* like Shelly? I suspect it isn’t. Ah… we may be in SouthAm, and the other Land is… yes, NorthAm.
So it all fits.
I narrow this down to Shelly and Monica. Monica leading.
“Veeeeeeerry Innnteressstinnk.”
I vote Shelly — the face and hair!
So — this establishes the origins of the GG murderers (Bud was from the Mediterranean area, she said) as the Fertile Crescent area, and also explains the relocation of the Calendar Machine into the New World.
But who did the moving? Cue the Olmecs, stage right, in 3… 2… 1…
And your suggestion might also explain her shock in the last panel–how would you like to learn you will one day be a mother, and learn from a skeletal being at that?
Late night typing. It’s fixed, just hit refresh. =)
I’m hating myself for dipping my nuts in your cheerio’s Mr. Taylor but I still see the “your would”. I’m on firefox if that helps any.
Hit F5
and if that doesn’t work, just tell the browser to “say hello to my little friend”
sometimes you just have to get it’s attention first. 8)
Delete your cache, close your browser, open it, go to the page, then hit refresh. It’s loaded, now it’s just a matter of resolving in your browser.
To REALLY tell a browser (e.g. Firefox) to reload a page, you have to hit SHIFT + reload/F5. SHIFT + reload tells the browser to ignore any cached data and reload everything from the web site(s) again.
Yeah, I always thought those sibyls were stoned. You notice it was never them that explained what their babbling actually meant…
As a matter of fact, one theory of the Oracle at Delphi, according to Wikipedia is:
“The usual theory has been that the Pythia delivered oracles in a frenzied state induced by vapors rising from a chasm in the rock, and that she spoke gibberish which priests interpreted as the enigmatic prophecies preserved in Greek literature.”
I believe the technical term for the source of these vapors is “sticky icky”…
Sounds about right to me.
I recall reading about that, in Scientific American IIRC–it was ethylene vapors?
Of course, back in the day, I did read a Terra Tarkington story where the oracle had a condition from the fumes, which she healed, and then the oracle made pronouncements like her need for a vacation. . . .
Actually, the Wikipedia article i quoted says that ethylene has been deprecated as the probable active agent.
Still, might we say that the oracle was stoned when she was functioning?
And, if her advice was too outrageous, she risked being stoned for it?
Her speech is vague, but she speaks vaguely.
Hey Monica! Meet your great great great…. great great grandmother. Or is it Jin’s?
Might be Shelly. Bit more family resemblance.
Also considering Shelly’s strength, even if she’s a Sphinx..
Makes her a more likely candidate to be the great X ? granddaughter of the Personification of Force.
They’ve got a similar nose as well, then there’s the hairstyle and colouring, especially considering that dark hair is dominant, gene wise.
Hence why Monica is a bit less likely, no excessive strength, hair colouring is different too, as are the noses.
And Jin cannot be the descendent, considering she was one of the folks, who has just torched the place.
The way these things work, it would be someone else who would set things right. And a half-Sphinx, with her own pet hybrid Demon/Soul/Conscience..
Yeah, sounds like one of those things that the Greeks used to love a la a Hercules, Perseus, Theseus and name every other half-deity the Greek Pantheon managed to spawn.
Cloudgatherer likes the ladies.
a lot can happen to a family line in 10,000 years. lol
Mon may not have the Physical strength of a sphinx but force doesn’t always have to do with brute strength. Let’s not forget Monica has survived getting shot, exploding land mines and exploding islands as well as stopping an argument or two by poiting them into free fall. (http://wapsisquare.com/comic/three-idiots/ )
M my not be strong but she has power, she’s the one in control of the GG for a reason after all.
Besides we just got off a long shelly arc and Monica hasn’t really had a major plot for a few years so she’s do.
That’s what I’m thinking. Being a sphinx would def explain her being fireproof.
Both, perhaps.
Oh, gee, look, we finally get to meet Shelly’s mom.
…as a little girl.
I doubt that it is that close a family relationship, but it is a real cute idea.
Meh….with that much time between this conversation and the birth of one of our heroines, “family resemblance” means very little.
There are a lot of generations in there were other fun traits can be introduced…like lighter hair…bigger boobs…etc. 
I’m thinking more and more, Bia’s descend is Shelly. After a bit of Google-fu myself. Bia’s a personification of ‘Force’, or put another way ‘Violence’. When described that way, the fits younger Shelly to a tee. And there is the resemblance, especially given Bia in that last panel.
Heh. Ya know, it might also be Shelly’s DAD. He would also be a decendant – and we wouldn’t see it coming. (c8
Not Jin, since she just had a hand in toasting the place.
So, now the guessing starts: who is her descendent? If this is the time of the Lanthians, it could be anybody! Or everybody!
at this point it half the Population of the planet could be her descendents. lol
but my guess would be monica because shelly just had a major arc and monica’s hasn’t had one for awhile now.
I’m betting on Tina. We still don’t know her very well.
I would like it to be Tina, she has not been in a major story arc, really. But I think it will be Monica or Shelley, probably M.
that would be neat but the problem I have with it being tina is she’s a demon thing. the real tina could have been but I have a hard time calling the demons a descendent of anything.
Can’t be Tina – Tina is dead, it is her demons running the body now, and they wouldn’t be the “descendant” being referred to.
It’s Janet!
It’s time to find out what her deal is. Becky reappeared more than 10 years after her first appearance. Let’s not wait that long on Janet, who was first mentioned 10 years ago but first appeared in the cartoon linked above (unless I missed her in a crowd scene or something)!
Janet’s first on-stage appearance was at he 2006 Halloween party:
I keep imagining her dying horribly in her innocent efforts to not screw up every previous attempt on the Calendar Machine. And never once with a line of dialogue the audience is allowed to hear.
She probably kept accidentally stealing other protagonists’ boyfriends.
Thus, Lakshmi would be too obviously a feint, so my vote is Jacqui is the descendant, and has known about everything all along.
KHAAAAAAAAAAN! I mean, damn it.
Forgot the “Jim” after damn it…
But Janet is one of the close friends Mon was supposed to have… I feel like all three of those family trees link back to Bia here, and the only thing that changes is the order that Monica meets them.
“but your would”?
“but you would” a lack of caffeine methinks..
I think it makes more sense to read “yours would” implying the Princess is not of this land mass but another – the one that will spawn the decendent.
Little typo aside, what did sibyl mean by “Land of the Crescent”? I mean, the first thing that comes to my mind is the ancient “Fertile Crescent” in what is now the Middle East, ancient Mesopotamia, land of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and all that… Which, well- that does fit, with the idea of the Lanthians, really…
Sorry, I keep getting hung up on the idea that the chimera was a creation of the Mayans for some reason, which puts them in Meso-America, not the Mediterranean/Middle East… something that was hooked into the calendar machine plotline, perhaps?
I dug this strip up for yesterday’s discussion
Bud is allegedly “from the Mediterranean area”, so Lanthians had some sort of centre there.
Then again, seeing the gateway rug, Lanthians could have been everywhere on the globe…
The Calendar Machine was in Meso-America, and the gateway to the Time Forest was in Ireland…
(And Stinky hangs out in the Bermuda Triangle area, so the Golem Girls used to spend time there as well…)
…I think it’s best not to ponder Geography too much, my head begins to hurt…
As a (former) geologist, I keep trying to place the swath of Golem destruction in either the Siberian Traps or the Deccan Traps, both areas where ‘supervolcanoes’ erupted for tens of thousands of years (supposedly) to provide the massive lava flows that covered huge areas. Problem is, the Siberian supervolcano occurred at the Permian/Triassic Extiction boundary (90 % of life on earth went extinct) and the Deccan supervolcano occurred at the end of the Cretaceous.
At least, that’s what they WANT us to believe…
Also note that the Deccan supervolcano at theCretaceous extinction boundary also roughly corresponds time-wise with the Chicxulub asteroid impact in Yucutan – which left a (buried) ring shaped crater ofshore and a (buried) crescent-shaped trough onshore….
The location is right there where they are. How can I tell?? This is a new story arc, hence the land of the crescent!
I don’t think anyone called it the ‘fertile crescent’ until modern times, although that is not a bad guess. It seems that the Lanthean landmass is crescent shaped, somehow. This describes Santorini after it blew up, but that was much more recent than the dates Paul has indicated for the Lanthean apocolypse.
In a lot of things I’ve read on Atlantis, the city proper is located in the center of a large crescent shaped inland in the Mediterranean Sea. The Chimera was probably made at a major temple of some sort near the city.
The other part that leads me to think that this “Crescent” is a place that no longer exists. Any time Bud’s accesent is brought up people think Greece and her responce is always that “it is Mediterranean” leading me to beleve that its a place that doesn’t exist anymore. Also when her loved ones was brought up before she responded that she states that “everyone she ever new was vaporized by her”.
Now on the other hand, the two major piece of evidence that they are describing some place in the middle east and possibley having Atlantis some where in Persian Gulf or the Arabian Sea is first that a marker was constructed to remind the world of what happened to the world. A lion facing east, as in the Sphynix, right two the “Fertal Creseant”. Secondly, the power cells that they needed for Jin, are almost exclusivly mention in Indin and Chinesse history, which if they were technology left over from Atlantis, this would be why they ended up in India.
Ok, enough bable. Just some things to think on.
I recall reading that Atlantis was on an island surrounded by water, with land around that, and sea around that. Perhaps a small island in a caldera?
OK, so I missed one set of rings of land and sea. Still, you get the idea.
Well, Atlantis/Lanthia is often tied to Avalon in mythology and the Goddess religion there is usually said to have painted or tattooed little crescent moons on their forehead, so maybe it’s a reference to their religion?
The crescent may be their sigil. They are, after all, somewhat supernatural.
I think that somewhere way back it was mentioned that Maya ran off with the Calendar Machine, which is how it ended up in Meso-America…but I always have trouble keeping the oldest parts of our story timeline straight. I think that someone actually created a timeline once, so that’s probably our best bet for remembering how each piece of our puzzle ended up when/where it did.
Ask and ye shall receive my dear Julie. Here is the link to the chronology (http://wapsisquare.wikia.com/wiki/Chronology)
So this is the aftermath of when the Chimera blew the world away.
you know when told that prophecy it probably sounded vague, but after the first part happens it really isn’t.
Of course not: “A vague disclaimer is nobody’s friend…”
Interesting clarification from Charon there…only “this whole land mass” was turned into obsidian. So the rest of the world was okay? I can’t remember…how was the chimera “deactivated”? Obviously some part of the world had to survive, and if it kept rampaging, no part could survive…Also it was shut down somehow, which is how it was broken into three parts.
Another thought…how long would it take a landmass turned into obsidian to recover, or is that even possible? I’m assuming that this chunk of planet eventually sank into the ocean (which would explain away the whole “our globe doesn’t have an obsidian continent” problem), but I figure one of you guys knows lots of stuff about geography.
A few thousand years would suffice to turn an all-obsidian landmass into differentiated terrain, especially in parts of the world where water freezes. The obsidian will likely have fractures, and frost wedging breaks up rock quite quickly–so quickly that Vermont granite quarries used to use it to split slabs off from the main mass.
“a few thousand” give or take another couple of thousand, I guess. Obsidian flows are generally not full of cracks. The Big Obsidian Flow in Newberry Caldera, Oregon is 1300 years old, and still pretty desolate. Ecological succession on obsidian flows is apparently dependent on lichens and mosses breaking down the crust before plants can get established, which takes longer than ecological succession on, say, the basalt lavas of Hawaii.
It is possible that the obsidian layer is only a few feet thick and prone to cracks since it was not caused by a lava flow as is the usual method of conversion but by a broiler effect like in your oven. If this is so, the land could recover in a relatively short order.
Heck, the layer might only be inches thick.
Volcanic soil is some of the richest in the world.
Yup. And after several dozen generations that area that was once the ‘Crescent’ will become the ‘Fertile Crescent’.
It’s a major tenet of the Oracular Arts: Too vague, they won’t get it. Too specific, they don’t learn.
I think thats ….”YOU would have a descendent..yadda,yadda,yadda.”….and the more I look at ‘Lost Girl’ here she looks like Shelly. I guess only Paul knows and we’ll find out Friday.
Classically speaking Atlantis’s shape is not a crescent. Atlantis was first described in Plato’s Dialogues as a “great island …over… the Pillars of Heracles…greater than Libya and Asia put together” and “Towards the sea and in the centre of the island …was a …fertile plain, and near the centre…there was a low mountain…Poseidon …enclosed the mountain with rings…two of land and three of sea,” So if Lanthis is Atlantis, it would be more of a dartboard than a crescent shape.
This was my first thought, too…but as txmystic pointed out in an earlier comment, “Land of the Crescent” could be a reference to either a sigil or family name or something else…not necessarily the shape of said land.
I say it is Tina that is the descendent simply on the basis of no one would truly expect it. I mean think about it. Does anyone even know about her past other then Jin. And even that only goes so far.
We do know that Tina 1.0 was the daughter of a drug lord,. And that Tina 1.0 held the clock-key dagger that they (mastermind Brandy, Tina’s demons and Monica’s demons) needed to get into Shelly’s hands without Jin knowing about it. Which really meant they wanted Jin’s Doubt (the out of control Demon Queen) from knowing about it.
Well yeah but that is only what is already known. What I mean is what is their past that. Only Phix really could answer that question. And that is only a possibility.
No.. Tina is the obvious “not obvious” answer… I say the descendant is Kathrine, if not Jacqui…her happiness is a “force” to be reckon with..
*throws car keys into pun jar*
So if it’s her that’s responSYBIL, are we talking SYBIL liberties here? *thumbs nose a t pun jar*
Does that mean that, when the pun jar notices and comes after you, you will be making sybilant hisses?
At least, or glottal stop frickatives, and you can imagine how awful that would sound!
Oh, frick! This sort of thing has glottal stop!
That Grim Reaper dude looks like a real CHARON person to me *moons pun jar*
Thanks for CHARON that thought. Flips chocolate Moon Pie into awaiting pun jar.
With all the fiery destruction, I supposed you could say he’s been getting his CHAR-ON.
*pulls a pistol round from the pun jar, chambers it, and blows his brains out*
Hey! No withdrawls from the pun jar! Now please deposit any remaining working organs.
You know, it would be a strange thing if, after all these years, the entirety of this story wasn’t all about Monica or Jin, or Shelly, or the GG’s.
It was all about Tina.
Shelly returned from the Time Forest with the widget that fixed Jin. Is she gonna have to play mechanic on Brandi and Bud now?