12/20/2002 by Paul Taylor on December 20, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Marta, MonicaLocation: Monterrey, Mexico Related Comics ¬ Cheese and Rice 12/06/2004 04/11/2005 Timmy In The Well 05/30/2005
Here here! I like that philosophy~
I agree, but I’m more of the ‘A nice piece of kugel sure helps you deal with the problem’ type.
For the goyem, kugel is a Jewish casserole. ;3
I’m not greek, but I like their style. Just put some windex on it. (I don’t really like eating. I do it to stay alive. My “comfort food” is a lot of blankets and a book)
Hmm… Paul’s skill at drawing from this perspective is improving! ^_^
Mole. Damn. The last time I had mole was in…. 1982. Tribeca, just down from our apartment.
Good molé can cure many ills. Finding good molé in America is like finding El Dorado, though.