Get Wet by Paul Taylor on February 15, 2017 at 12:37 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Conscience, TepoztecalLocation: Poseidon Resort paranormal pool Related Comics ¬ Much More Awkward Plumb Near Wormholes 03/24/2005 Veryinsightful
It’s a date, right?
What Tepoz describes in panel two is essentially a date, yes.
“This Is NOT a DATE!…”, oh, wait…
…with training wheels.
I love how studied the language in the second panel is. Very “let’s get the disclaimers out of the way”.
“Ok. I’m tired of feeling weird.” “Ok, so let’s not feel weird.”
Nice juxtaposition between the teary tween drama before, and two millennia old beings calmly discussing their goals and expectations and just getting down to the fun portion of the totally-a-date. Communication at work everybody.
I wanna go to Poseidon’s!
i ship it.
Yaa for Connie and Tepoz
Nope, still don’t see them as being anything other than Bestest Buds
So by elimination this make Brandi and Tina an item?
I notice that Tepoz has chosen a good place to “test the waters” for building a new kind of relationship…The cheeky little smurf.
Ah, immortal love.