So, the whole key to the mystical xerox machine (aka the calendar machine) was to give it to the demons. And the reason why the demons were given the xerox machine was to close the doorway inside Monica that went from the demon world to the real world. Did I get that right? That does not sound right to me.
I thought that the key to the magic xerox machine which constantly dicked with time was to send it to the demon world where time doesn’t work like that. And the key to getting it there was Monica the of the magic words, and her friend Shelly since they both can make their faces into flashlights. Then when you get the three face flashlights that make up the chimera (who are always alive through out the looping time) together with the two mortal face flashlights (who are only alive at the tail end of the time loop) then they can do the stabby thing and send the magic xerox machine away. I’m not sure how demons entering this world through Monica thing works right now because it seems that they can enter the human world without problem, Tina is proof of this, they just have to break the rules and get banished to our world. But then again that seems to be a one way street and perhaps the reason Monica was important to the demons was because they can use her to get back into the demon realm as well (I think it’s some sort of side effect of reading the runes and being mortal, I’m not sure about it though). Honestly I’m not that clear on how demon travel works or what they hell they were after in the first place. With today’s comic I’m pretty sure that the story of the magic xerox machine is by and large closed but with all the questions I still have about the demons I’m not so sure that their story is done. Though I must admit that I have not yet started my re-reading of the comic and I could be missing something from earlier on…
A story arc that starts out building up towards something and then suddenly does something else completely unexpected? Using plot devices that were never until this point mentioned and indeed will probably never be used again? Old plot devices that we remember from way back that turned out to be red herrings? A resolution that leaves us confused and wondering what just happened?
Yep, pretty much what I was expecting by this point.
I’m starting to treat Wapsi Square like a typical video game. Plot’s too incoherent to take seriously but it’s there dependably every day, so I just follow along for the fun ride and admire the violence and tits.
I’m rather amused by your statement that the plot is “incoherent”.
Hardly. It has a tendency to wander a little way down side roads from time to time, but it gets where it’s going without actually being sidetracked for any length of ti,e.
Now, i’ll admit that Pablo doesn’t spoon-feed us with all the details and explain all the back story for those who don’t want to go to the trouble of actually, like, you know, thinking…
Hey, believe me, I WANT to enjoy it. I WANT to understand it all. I LIKE thinking. However, I do NOT appreciate all these go-nowhere side plots that are never ever explained (like Kukulcan), sudden reveals that were NEVER alluded to before (like Monica being a doorway to the demon world), and events that defy all sense altogether (like Monica turning into a vacuum cleaner when she’s stabbed in the brain, in order to simply suck the calender machine out of existence. hoo ray).
I’m trying here. Not enough is being outright explained, which is pretty much what I need at this point.
1) When it was established that “Mayahuel” is Jin’s mom
2) Why she was stuck in demon land
3) Where this plan with Monica getting the key in her head really came from
4) How it was that Bud could “jump” into Monica and how it was that Monica became a portal into the demon world when it was Shelly who had the portal cloth tattooed on her
5) How any of this was stitched together by previous comics.
4) Bud could jump through the portal because Monica, already a two way door from the demon realm that one opportunistic demon had found and taken control over, was turned into a one way door into the demon realm.
keep in mind, they’re working off of notes that were wrong 57 times… they’re bound to be confused and not know what works, doesn’t work, and is simply a distraction so others can do what might work.
This might be a good time to try and update the cast page btw. I was skimming some of the early comics and I am distraught to find that I actually can’t remember who a single character is besides Tina and the girls the comic has been focusing on lately.
I kinda remember the bartender! The bartender was an awesome guy! But what is his name!? And who is freckles!? And the shorty? And the amazon woman!? I loved these characters and not that I realize I don’t even remember who they are I kinda wanna cry
Those folks used to be on the cast page, but they were removed as they became more peripheral to the story line. I hope that, now that some of this has been resolved, they’ll be able to re-emerge, but Bud’s comment may suggest that isn’t to be.
Darin Watkins – bartender
Jacquline Bontemps – freckles, rich, yoga studio owner, drummer
Owen Albrecht – short, guitar player
Well done! I’ve been following this arc for a long, long time. Been fun the whole way. Whatever story comes next, I’ll be following it daily!
I think I’m lost. After reading all through the comic, I think I can finally say that I can’t make out what it was about. Can someone possibly sum it all up for me?
Girl, her dog, Aztec god of alcohol. Girl is demon doorway. Demons responsible for a lot of bad things in this world, including malfunctioning calendar machine. Girl ends up being the answer to said issue, by removing calendar machine to the demon world, then locking the door behind it.
Everything else, at least right now, is window dressing.
I hope there’s at least one cartoon where Mayahuel has a job, gets mad at her boss, and does that magical gesture at him to cut him into ribbons like she did that guard way back when.
OK, I guess the calendar machine and the key in the head thing stopped Monica from being a doorway. But wasn’t Shelly a doorway, too? From her vision quest thing. What exactly do the demons need to come through? When Monica’s demons pop out and talk, is that more about her close relationship with her demons rather than them literally coming out (since most people can’t actually see them). Same question applies to Shelly’s Polydemon.
Oh, I understand that, but I believe Jin has commented twice that she too serves as a doorway, perhaps not in the same sense as Monica and Shelly though. Still, food for thought.
Monica’s demons “popping out” are only in communication with her, they’re not really entering our world as the other “not Monica’s demons” were doing when she was an open doorway.
As for Shelly, what happened to her during her vision quest was the creation of her “conscience” that is autonomous in her own realm (the boiler room) that she can change to her liking, free of the demon realm. However she still can’t enter into our universe, other than to council Shelly as Monica’s demons do.
and every OTHER personal demon that is inhabiting/haunting this or that random person. The demons already here and already “Bound” can stay, rogues that shouldn’t have been here, such us Jin’s demons, are now to be stuck in the demon realm not to go rogue.
Hope we’ll be seeing some of the characters from the earliest strips again, like the other members of Shelley’s erstwhile band, and the guy that runs the bar.
Well, I have been on the edge of my seat during this arc and can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m thinking Jin, there is still a few crumbs short of a muffin.
The calendar machine is just a paper weight to the demons. Monica can always go back there to study, and “discover” the temple. =) She needs to take a shower and get some food, she’s not much of a rough-n-tumble kind of gal.
Dude, your art is gorgeous and I love your ability to construct an epic story… but I am completely lost. I can’t put together any of the following:
1) When it was established that “Mayahuel” is Jin’s mom
2) Why she was stuck in demon land
3) Where this plan with Monica getting the key in her head really came from
4) How it was that Bud could “jump” into Monica and how it was that Monica became a portal into the demon world when it was Shelly who had the portal cloth tattooed on her
5) How any of this was stitched together by previous comics.
Did you intend to do all of this really, really quickly, such that we all have no idea what’s going on or how we got here? Because that’s what it feels like to me.
4) Bud could jump through the portal because Monica, already a two way door from the demon realm that one opportunistic demon had found and taken control over, was turned into a one way door into the demon realm.
Two clichés come to mind after reading today’s issue: “… and the Adventure Continues!” and “The End … or IS it?” (Sorry, Pablo). Wapsi Square is one of the few comics that has characters that seem real (sort of) to me. The back-stories, the expressions, and their (somewhat) realistic was of dealing with change and stress lead me to believe that all of the characters are each based on someone real. Somewhere, I’m sure that Pablo has met a single mom trying to cope with her not-quite-all-there daughter, a dog that has a more active social life than its owner, a muscle-butt woman who loves to play basketball and plays bass, an office manager who like to play ‘Mom’ to everyone she knows, a sweet young lady who lives a quiet life and is quite capable of ripping your lungs out, and a creepy-eyed woman that likes spiders and talks to her goldfish. I feel that I know these people better than my real-life neighbors! Well done, Pablo! Looking forward to more…
Yeah, I thought “I’ think we all have a much bigger adventure ahead” was kind of cheesy.Not the kind of thing anyone would say in real life. I prefer to keep the fourth wall intact, thank you.
The “adventure” that Bud offhandedly referred to was simply having to live the rest of their lives without the looming restart of 2012. Nothing exciting, more so an acknowledging of “hold on to your hats, were in for the mundane!”.
Well, we also still have Tepoz and KuKuclan . They were talking about Monica fixing the calendar machine, but Tepoz seemed to have little to no involvement in it, other than keeping Shelly in the loop when she wanted to bail. I have this suspicion that, should we have another ‘arc’ surrounding the calendar machine, it may tie into whatever Tepoz and Kukuclan had planned for it.
So … if Mayahuel is going to be living a mundane life from now, will she go by the name “Maia Huell” or something like that? Will she find employment as a Physicist, an Engineer or even a Clockmaker, perhaps? It will be interesting to see just how truly ‘mundane’ the life of an immortal pyroceramic golem and her equally immortal (and equally powerful, yet cognitively traumatized) pyroceramic golem daughter can be!
Oh, my. Bud sort of shut down that line of conversation right quick, didn’t she? As though she did NOT want Monica going down that road.
And the ‘Nice knowing you, Jin, for the last 80,000 years; don’t call me, I’ll call you’ POIT flavor of the panel had my eyebrows climbing into my hairline.
What the hell? Something decidedly off key to my admittedly tone-deaf ear….
Yeah, I know. I’d expected there’d at least be a moment of silence for poor Jin’s sake. I know they weren’t always on the best of terms, but geez… they’re still friends, right? Don’t friends care when a friend loses herself to insanity? I’d care.
Well, we’ll probably see this dealt with further in the near future. I’m sure they’re all just (justifiably) relieved that they averted the apocalypse and ended an 80,000 year cycle, and their thoughts will turn back to Jin once the elation wears down. I’m anxious to see how they try to help.
And they’ll need to help, I’m sure… Jin’s mom will have a hard enough time tending to her daughter and acclimating to the twenty-first century. And then there’s her boyfriend… really eager to see his reaction to all this.
What about that other god-like character (anyone up for an archive trawl) who talked to tepoz and put him in charge of Monica? Is he a dropped thread or does he fit into all of this somehow?
Oh. Couldn’t Jin have just said the name Kukulcan one time during that scene? That way everybody would have known exactly what she was talking about AND would put a lid on the Kukulcan thing.
Well since you seem to be willing to answer questions, may I ask some more?
Yeah, I made the same mistake a little earlier in these comments. Didn’t make the connection that KukuClan would be one of those ‘shadow figures’ Jin’s referred to multiple times. Proof of good writing: you miss a few key subtle details, no matter how hard you analyze it.
The base for her power was from learning the Glyph language from Jin’s mom, May, who had temporary passage through M before being restricted by the “queen” demon. M was later able to get a feel for actually poiting after experiencing it first hand, combined with her latent knowledge of the commands in Glyph. Previously to actually experiencing the “magic” she hadn’t really put power to what she had been taught.
Why when Monica got stabbed in the head with that bladed key did she not suffer any adverse effects? Even if you claim it was just intended as the key to lock a door, having that shoved through your brain is gonna cause problems. Furthermore, how and why did Tina end up with it? Where did it even come from in the first place? Did one of the Tina demons happen to have it in their pocket when they got neuralized?
The Key in M’s head was not totally occupying the same space as her, it was in the doorway that she had become. That’s all I got for you.
I haven’t yet explained how Tina got the key, but ultimately, Brandi had something to do with it.
Fair enough. Now what about that big book that Phix tried giving Monica on a couple of occasions? Shelly accidentally turned it to dust the first time, then Monica did the second time and since then it’s never returned.
After Monica got angry and dusted the book the second time, Phix returned it to her for good here: It was info that Jin had written but was not the end all solution info.
I think the reason I keep getting confused and missing stuff is because of the info reveals spread out so far in time and buffered with so much jargon and irrelevant padding. That strip was over two years ago.
I normally have a damn near photographic memory. I remember the first name of the roommate of one fellow guildmate in one guild I was in who only mentioned it one time when I played Everquest. It was Allysa.
Wapsi Square I feel like is just handing me one puzzle piece every day and I’m just supposed to keep putting together a puzzle board in front of me, but being the natural skeptic I am I hesitate to do so in case stuff turns out to be totally wrong, which more often than not is the case. The problem is that I ending up holding on to so many puzzle pieces all at once that, despite having big hands, I run out of room and start dropping and missing some.
It doesn’t surprise me anymore by this point that when folks started speculating about Bud rescuing Jin’s mom a lot of people had no idea what they were talking about because the strips revealing this in the first place were SOOO long ago.
No worries! =) I freely admit that the comic works better in book form and not very well as a once a day webcomic. Future strips shouldn’t have this much of a problem as I’ll be working with much shorter story arcs. Thanks much for sticking with the comic.
dude… better part of a week, where i should have been studying and doing homework, well spent. this was one hell of a climax, i must say, and to here it doesn’t end is even more awesomer. bravo my good sir, bravo.
DUN DUN DUN. I can’t wait.
So, the whole key to the mystical xerox machine (aka the calendar machine) was to give it to the demons. And the reason why the demons were given the xerox machine was to close the doorway inside Monica that went from the demon world to the real world. Did I get that right? That does not sound right to me.
I thought that the key to the magic xerox machine which constantly dicked with time was to send it to the demon world where time doesn’t work like that. And the key to getting it there was Monica the of the magic words, and her friend Shelly since they both can make their faces into flashlights. Then when you get the three face flashlights that make up the chimera (who are always alive through out the looping time) together with the two mortal face flashlights (who are only alive at the tail end of the time loop) then they can do the stabby thing and send the magic xerox machine away. I’m not sure how demons entering this world through Monica thing works right now because it seems that they can enter the human world without problem, Tina is proof of this, they just have to break the rules and get banished to our world. But then again that seems to be a one way street and perhaps the reason Monica was important to the demons was because they can use her to get back into the demon realm as well (I think it’s some sort of side effect of reading the runes and being mortal, I’m not sure about it though). Honestly I’m not that clear on how demon travel works or what they hell they were after in the first place. With today’s comic I’m pretty sure that the story of the magic xerox machine is by and large closed but with all the questions I still have about the demons I’m not so sure that their story is done. Though I must admit that I have not yet started my re-reading of the comic and I could be missing something from earlier on…
A story arc that starts out building up towards something and then suddenly does something else completely unexpected? Using plot devices that were never until this point mentioned and indeed will probably never be used again? Old plot devices that we remember from way back that turned out to be red herrings? A resolution that leaves us confused and wondering what just happened?
Yep, pretty much what I was expecting by this point.
I’m starting to treat Wapsi Square like a typical video game. Plot’s too incoherent to take seriously but it’s there dependably every day, so I just follow along for the fun ride and admire the violence and tits.
I’m rather amused by your statement that the plot is “incoherent”.
Hardly. It has a tendency to wander a little way down side roads from time to time, but it gets where it’s going without actually being sidetracked for any length of ti,e.
Now, i’ll admit that Pablo doesn’t spoon-feed us with all the details and explain all the back story for those who don’t want to go to the trouble of actually, like, you know, thinking…
Hey, believe me, I WANT to enjoy it. I WANT to understand it all. I LIKE thinking. However, I do NOT appreciate all these go-nowhere side plots that are never ever explained (like Kukulcan), sudden reveals that were NEVER alluded to before (like Monica being a doorway to the demon world), and events that defy all sense altogether (like Monica turning into a vacuum cleaner when she’s stabbed in the brain, in order to simply suck the calender machine out of existence. hoo ray).
I’m trying here. Not enough is being outright explained, which is pretty much what I need at this point.
I responded to a similar question yesterday:
1) When it was established that “Mayahuel” is Jin’s mom
2) Why she was stuck in demon land
3) Where this plan with Monica getting the key in her head really came from
4) How it was that Bud could “jump” into Monica and how it was that Monica became a portal into the demon world when it was Shelly who had the portal cloth tattooed on her
5) How any of this was stitched together by previous comics.
4) Bud could jump through the portal because Monica, already a two way door from the demon realm that one opportunistic demon had found and taken control over, was turned into a one way door into the demon realm.
Monica’s demon wasn’t sucked in because she was not in our world but still tied to Monica.
keep in mind, they’re working off of notes that were wrong 57 times… they’re bound to be confused and not know what works, doesn’t work, and is simply a distraction so others can do what might work.
56 times. The current timeline is #57
It repeated
It helps to understand how the story built and developed, and how all the pieces came together, if you read the comic 56 times.
Sorry, meant to delete that reply, not post it.
Yay for foreshadowing! And for Wapsi not being over! Also yay for SGU while I’m at it!
Bud is doing a Chevy Chase schtick of looking at her watch-less wrist to check the time.
“Oh my gosh, look at my wrist! I’ve got to go!”
“But what about your clothes?”
(which is actually an appropriate follow up given the situation.)
“Your clothes? Those have got to go too, of course…”
np: Duran Duran Duran – Face Blast (200 (Disc 2))
I want my castle’s interior to look like that last panel.
Well, looks like we can finally get back to the boob jokes again.
I’m sorry, but this one has left me in a fit of giggles…. hehehehehehehehe
This might be a good time to try and update the cast page btw. I was skimming some of the early comics and I am distraught to find that I actually can’t remember who a single character is besides Tina and the girls the comic has been focusing on lately.
I kinda remember the bartender! The bartender was an awesome guy! But what is his name!? And who is freckles!? And the shorty? And the amazon woman!? I loved these characters and not that I realize I don’t even remember who they are I kinda wanna cry
Those folks used to be on the cast page, but they were removed as they became more peripheral to the story line. I hope that, now that some of this has been resolved, they’ll be able to re-emerge, but Bud’s comment may suggest that isn’t to be.
Darin Watkins – bartender
Jacquline Bontemps – freckles, rich, yoga studio owner, drummer
Owen Albrecht – short, guitar player
Note that Darin is also Daren and Darren. I hope Pablo will clarify this if he (Dar*n not Pablo) ever returns.
don’t forget lakshmi the gigantic amazon.
Well done! I’ve been following this arc for a long, long time. Been fun the whole way. Whatever story comes next, I’ll be following it daily!
I think I’m lost. After reading all through the comic, I think I can finally say that I can’t make out what it was about.
Can someone possibly sum it all up for me?
Girl, her dog, Aztec god of alcohol. Girl is demon doorway. Demons responsible for a lot of bad things in this world, including malfunctioning calendar machine. Girl ends up being the answer to said issue, by removing calendar machine to the demon world, then locking the door behind it.
Everything else, at least right now, is window dressing.
Let’s have pizza, which dog will order for us.
Now we switch to jokes about teaching Mayahuel modern culture?
I hope there’s at least one cartoon where Mayahuel has a job, gets mad at her boss, and does that magical gesture at him to cut him into ribbons like she did that guard way back when.
That would rock.
OK, I guess the calendar machine and the key in the head thing stopped Monica from being a doorway. But wasn’t Shelly a doorway, too? From her vision quest thing. What exactly do the demons need to come through? When Monica’s demons pop out and talk, is that more about her close relationship with her demons rather than them literally coming out (since most people can’t actually see them). Same question applies to Shelly’s Polydemon.
look back. explosive removal of of ink from body. ow Ow OW! No more portal cloth tattoo.
And our demon barista?
was banished to stay in the mortal realm from hurting Monica before
Oh, I understand that, but I believe Jin has commented twice that she too serves as a doorway, perhaps not in the same sense as Monica and Shelly though. Still, food for thought.
Monica’s demons “popping out” are only in communication with her, they’re not really entering our world as the other “not Monica’s demons” were doing when she was an open doorway.
As for Shelly, what happened to her during her vision quest was the creation of her “conscience” that is autonomous in her own realm (the boiler room) that she can change to her liking, free of the demon realm. However she still can’t enter into our universe, other than to council Shelly as Monica’s demons do.
So the only demons left on “this” side of the door are Monica’s demons, Shelly’s “little girl”, and whatever legion are stuck in Tina?
and every OTHER personal demon that is inhabiting/haunting this or that random person. The demons already here and already “Bound” can stay, rogues that shouldn’t have been here, such us Jin’s demons, are now to be stuck in the demon realm not to go rogue.
So now we don’t have to worry about 2012? Cool. I was planning a trip to Vegas in Lucky ’13.
And yes, please, let us get back to shorter story arcs with lots of boob jokes. At least for a little while.
No more to worry about 2012. =)
Has NO one noticed that it’s THURSDAY??? As in NOT Friday??
Something is gonna happen tomorrow. And I’m going to guess it’s going to happen in that room they just vacated.
Oh, and do the animals decorating the walls remind anyone else of Dietzel? Or is it just me?
well, it looks like Jin and her mom haven’t poited out yet – so there might be something there.
I don’t think any of the girls poited themselves out… which means someone off-camera did.
Uh, Maya? Lanthis has changed a bit since you last Glugbbaugluglugbbb…
Well, looks like I was wrong about Friday. Ah, well…
I’m seeing the image of Dietzel around the base of the wall, too.
Hope we’ll be seeing some of the characters from the earliest strips again, like the other members of Shelley’s erstwhile band, and the guy that runs the bar.
Well, I think Brandi speaks for me there as well.
Well, I have been on the edge of my seat during this arc and can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m thinking Jin, there is still a few crumbs short of a muffin.
Great Jorb Paul – terrific strip.
Love that Monica’s Dog is the wallpaper!
Two lines from today that pretty much sum up the storyline:
“It was never about the spirit world. This was about demons all along…”
“So, that’s it? We’re done here?”
I find SGU to be a highly overrated show. I’d just skip watching it altogether.
And M never fired Chekov’s gun. IIRC, she didn’t even draw it.
What the hell?
Did anyone else just straight-up MISS the part where they “gave” the calendar machine to the demons?
WTF is going on? Is Monica REALLY leaving this place without devoting sone serious study to it? She’s an anthropologist FFS!
The calendar machine is just a paper weight to the demons. Monica can always go back there to study, and “discover” the temple. =) She needs to take a shower and get some food, she’s not much of a rough-n-tumble kind of gal.
Dude, your art is gorgeous and I love your ability to construct an epic story… but I am completely lost. I can’t put together any of the following:
1) When it was established that “Mayahuel” is Jin’s mom
2) Why she was stuck in demon land
3) Where this plan with Monica getting the key in her head really came from
4) How it was that Bud could “jump” into Monica and how it was that Monica became a portal into the demon world when it was Shelly who had the portal cloth tattooed on her
5) How any of this was stitched together by previous comics.
Did you intend to do all of this really, really quickly, such that we all have no idea what’s going on or how we got here? Because that’s what it feels like to me.
Thanks, I’ll try to be of some help. =)
4) Bud could jump through the portal because Monica, already a two way door from the demon realm that one opportunistic demon had found and taken control over, was turned into a one way door into the demon realm.
Monica’s demon wasn’t sucked in because she was not in our world but still tied to Monica.
This is why Pablo rocks.
End of Season 4
More like “End of Wapsi Square: The Calendar Machine.”
Bud’s a fan of a show about a portal to other places.
Dietzel on the walls?
Oh – I do like the idea that it all hinges on Dietzel!
“The Adventures of Dietzel and Pizza Girl!”
what it could happen…

Two clichés come to mind after reading today’s issue: “… and the Adventure Continues!” and “The End … or IS it?” (Sorry, Pablo). Wapsi Square is one of the few comics that has characters that seem real (sort of) to me. The back-stories, the expressions, and their (somewhat) realistic was of dealing with change and stress lead me to believe that all of the characters are each based on someone real. Somewhere, I’m sure that Pablo has met a single mom trying to cope with her not-quite-all-there daughter, a dog that has a more active social life than its owner, a muscle-butt woman who loves to play basketball and plays bass, an office manager who like to play ‘Mom’ to everyone she knows, a sweet young lady who lives a quiet life and is quite capable of ripping your lungs out, and a creepy-eyed woman that likes spiders and talks to her goldfish. I feel that I know these people better than my real-life neighbors! Well done, Pablo! Looking forward to more…
Yeah, I thought “I’ think we all have a much bigger adventure ahead” was kind of cheesy.Not the kind of thing anyone would say in real life. I prefer to keep the fourth wall intact, thank you.
The “adventure” that Bud offhandedly referred to was simply having to live the rest of their lives without the looming restart of 2012. Nothing exciting, more so an acknowledging of “hold on to your hats, were in for the mundane!”.
I meant no offense …
None taken. =)
Well, we also still have Tepoz and KuKuclan . They were talking about Monica fixing the calendar machine, but Tepoz seemed to have little to no involvement in it, other than keeping Shelly in the loop when she wanted to bail. I have this suspicion that, should we have another ‘arc’ surrounding the calendar machine, it may tie into whatever Tepoz and Kukuclan had planned for it.
That was addressed back here: =)
Not to mention but now NO ONE knows what will happen.
Now to go home and clean up Dietzel ‘s mess.
And by mess, I mean the empty pizza boxes. Σ:·3
The relief images at the bottom of the pillars… is it just me, or do those kinda look like Dietzel?
I take actual Aztec stone carvings of a jaguar and EVERYONE says that.
Hmm … could Deitzel have any Jaguar in his ancestry?
Nah – probably more like Austin-Healey.
“So… that’s it? We’re done here?” – truer words never spoken.
I know. Sounded like it could’ve come from The Doctor. lol
So … if Mayahuel is going to be living a mundane life from now, will she go by the name “Maia Huell” or something like that? Will she find employment as a Physicist, an Engineer or even a Clockmaker, perhaps? It will be interesting to see just how truly ‘mundane’ the life of an immortal pyroceramic golem and her equally immortal (and equally powerful, yet cognitively traumatized) pyroceramic golem daughter can be!
Good love nerd-girl Bud! She knows where her priorities! Season finales are *critically* important!
speaking of which, can’t wait to see the second half of the Sanctuary finale
another can of worms: 3 poits for 6 people… who all is still there?
Each “poit” has two circles (or ovals) associated with it. That should cover all the ladies present.
Oh, my. Bud sort of shut down that line of conversation right quick, didn’t she? As though she did NOT want Monica going down that road.
And the ‘Nice knowing you, Jin, for the last 80,000 years; don’t call me, I’ll call you’ POIT flavor of the panel had my eyebrows climbing into my hairline.
What the hell? Something decidedly off key to my admittedly tone-deaf ear….
Yeah, I know. I’d expected there’d at least be a moment of silence for poor Jin’s sake. I know they weren’t always on the best of terms, but geez… they’re still friends, right? Don’t friends care when a friend loses herself to insanity? I’d care.
Well, we’ll probably see this dealt with further in the near future. I’m sure they’re all just (justifiably) relieved that they averted the apocalypse and ended an 80,000 year cycle, and their thoughts will turn back to Jin once the elation wears down. I’m anxious to see how they try to help.
And they’ll need to help, I’m sure… Jin’s mom will have a hard enough time tending to her daughter and acclimating to the twenty-first century. And then there’s her boyfriend… really eager to see his reaction to all this.
What about that other god-like character (anyone up for an archive trawl) who talked to tepoz and put him in charge of Monica? Is he a dropped thread or does he fit into all of this somehow?
That was addressed back here: =)
Oh. Couldn’t Jin have just said the name Kukulcan one time during that scene? That way everybody would have known exactly what she was talking about AND would put a lid on the Kukulcan thing.
Well since you seem to be willing to answer questions, may I ask some more?
I’ll do my best to help. =)
Yeah, I made the same mistake a little earlier in these comments. Didn’t make the connection that KukuClan would be one of those ‘shadow figures’ Jin’s referred to multiple times. Proof of good writing: you miss a few key subtle details, no matter how hard you analyze it.
Why did Monica start developing magical powers?
The base for her power was from learning the Glyph language from Jin’s mom, May, who had temporary passage through M before being restricted by the “queen” demon. M was later able to get a feel for actually poiting after experiencing it first hand, combined with her latent knowledge of the commands in Glyph. Previously to actually experiencing the “magic” she hadn’t really put power to what she had been taught.
Why when Monica got stabbed in the head with that bladed key did she not suffer any adverse effects? Even if you claim it was just intended as the key to lock a door, having that shoved through your brain is gonna cause problems. Furthermore, how and why did Tina end up with it? Where did it even come from in the first place? Did one of the Tina demons happen to have it in their pocket when they got neuralized?
The Key in M’s head was not totally occupying the same space as her, it was in the doorway that she had become. That’s all I got for you.
I haven’t yet explained how Tina got the key, but ultimately, Brandi had something to do with it.
Fair enough. Now what about that big book that Phix tried giving Monica on a couple of occasions? Shelly accidentally turned it to dust the first time, then Monica did the second time and since then it’s never returned.
After Monica got angry and dusted the book the second time, Phix returned it to her for good here: It was info that Jin had written but was not the end all solution info.
I think the reason I keep getting confused and missing stuff is because of the info reveals spread out so far in time and buffered with so much jargon and irrelevant padding. That strip was over two years ago.
I normally have a damn near photographic memory. I remember the first name of the roommate of one fellow guildmate in one guild I was in who only mentioned it one time when I played Everquest. It was Allysa.
Wapsi Square I feel like is just handing me one puzzle piece every day and I’m just supposed to keep putting together a puzzle board in front of me, but being the natural skeptic I am I hesitate to do so in case stuff turns out to be totally wrong, which more often than not is the case. The problem is that I ending up holding on to so many puzzle pieces all at once that, despite having big hands, I run out of room and start dropping and missing some.
It doesn’t surprise me anymore by this point that when folks started speculating about Bud rescuing Jin’s mom a lot of people had no idea what they were talking about because the strips revealing this in the first place were SOOO long ago.
No worries! =) I freely admit that the comic works better in book form and not very well as a once a day webcomic. Future strips shouldn’t have this much of a problem as I’ll be working with much shorter story arcs. Thanks much for sticking with the comic.
And the world was one again saved, thanks to (wait for it)…THE PABLO PUFF GIRLS!
dude… better part of a week, where i should have been studying and doing homework, well spent. this was one hell of a climax, i must say, and to here it doesn’t end is even more awesomer. bravo my good sir, bravo.
oh… the oldman face IS the jaguar
I have only one word.